In order to be included on the list of qualified wetland review specialists an applicant shall:
   A.   Complete a COE approved or other wetland delineation course approved by the county administrator;
   B.   Have a bachelor's degree in an earth science, biological science or engineering together with at least one of the following:
      1.   Three (3) years' (cumulative) full time experience in the Upper Midwest region engaged in consulting on wetland related projects;
      2.   The completion of one hundred (100) wetland delineations in the Upper Midwest region;
      3.   Three (3) years' (cumulative) full time experience engaged in consulting on wetlands related projects; or
      4.   One hundred fifty (150) hours spent in field review of wetland indications in the Upper Midwest region.
   C.   Have personally been involved with the design of at least ten (10) wetland mitigation areas;
   D.   Complete and sign the qualified wetland review specialist statement in the form included in subsection 8-4-5-21C, "Appendix C; Qualified Wetland Review Specialist Statement", of this chapter; and
   E.   File the qualified wetland review specialist statement with the county administrator. (Ord. 2016-003, 3-8-2016)