8-2-6-6: SALES OFFICE:
Temporary sales offices are permitted in commercial general (CG), commercial interchange (CI), and industrial (I) districts, subject to administrative review that demonstrates that the following provisions are met:
   A.   Residential Property:
      1.   Scale Of Development: Sales offices are permitted only if the development includes five (5) or more residential units to be constructed on contiguous lots.
      2.   Time Of Occupancy:
         a.   Sales offices will not be opened or occupied until a final plat or development plan is approved and the road and utilities are installed or a letter of credit or similar guarantee is filed with the county.
         b.   Sales offices will be removed after the last house is framed, or the office structure will be converted to a use permitted in the district within ten (10) days after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the final unit or building.
      3.   Location: The final plat or development plan identifies the location of the sales office.
   B.   Commercial And Industrial Property: Sales offices for office, business, or industrial park uses will be removed when the first building that is not built for a single occupancy is completed. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010)