Landscape waste composting and organic composting facilities that accept off site materials may be permitted as a special use in the agricultural (A) and industrial (I) districts subject to the following requirements:
   A.   Compliance With Illinois Regulations: Composting operations and provisions for site design shall be governed by applicable Illinois environmental protection agency (bureau of land) regulations: Title 35: environmental protection, subtitle G: waste disposal, chapter I: pollution control board, subchapter i: solid waste and special waste hauling, part 830 standards for compost facilities.
   B.   Water Supply Protection Zone: Composting uses prohibited within two hundred feet (200') of the nearest potable water supply.
   C.   Floodplain: The composting area of the facility must be located outside the boundary of the 100-year floodplain or the site shall be floodproofed. The composting area of the facility must be designed to prevent any compost material from being placed within five feet (5') of the water table, to adequately control runoff from the site, and to collect and manage any landscape waste leachate that is generated on the site.
   D.   Setbacks And Spacing:
      1.   The composting area of the facility must be located so as to minimize incompatibility with the character of the surrounding area, including at least a six hundred sixty foot (660') setback from any residential or educational occupancy.
      2.   Composting areas shall be spaced from other districts as follows:
         a.   From agricultural residential (AR), planned residential (PR), commercial general (CG) or residential (R) districts: Nine hundred feet (900').
         b.   From commercial interchange (CI) district: Three hundred feet (300').
      3.   The buffer must be at least one hundred feet (100') inside the property boundary and used for an agricultural use or forested.
      4.   The facility shall be located on a site that is a minimum of five (5) acres in size.
   E.   Operating Conditions And Odors: The operator shall take specific measures to control odors and other sources of nuisance:
      1.   Landscape waste must be processed within five (5) days after receipt into windrows or other piles which promote proper conditions for composting.
      2.   The operator shall have a plan for minimizing odors and responding to odor complaints.
      3.   A litter control plan shall be submitted to show that the operation will prevent the blowing of any waste materials, trash, or dust particulate matter onto adjoining property or roadways.
      4.   The composting material shall not contain any domestic sewage, sewage sludge, or septage.
      5.   The operator shall have available for inspection a plan for the intended purposes of end product compost and a contingency plan for handling end product compost and composting material that does not meet the general use compost standards.
   F.   Site Plans And Siting Review: Any pollution control facility if located in unincorporated Grundy County needs to go through the local siting process. This public review is performed at the county level before an Illinois environmental protection agency permit can be approved. The county may impose fees for this review, which are listed by the land use department. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010)