Neighborhood utilities shall be permitted in the agricultural (A), agricultural residential (AR), planned residential (PR), residential (R), commercial general (CG), and commercial interchange (CI) districts, subject to administrative review that demonstrates that the following provisions are met:
   A.   Utility Substations: Electrical, gas, or other utility substations shall be screened from view from public rights of way and abutting properties by:
      1.   Enclosure in structures that are designed to appear to be buildings; or
      2.   Landscape buffer pursuant to section 8-9-3, "Landscaping And Buffer Areas", of this title, which may include a fence if necessary for safety or security reasons.
   B.   Other Facilities: Lift stations, telephone switches, ground mounted transformers, and similar facilities shall be screened from view from public rights of way and abutting properties by:
      1.   Enclosure within a building; or
      2.   Enclosure by a hedge composed of shrubs planted thirty six inches (36") on center and maintained at a height that is at least equal to the utility facility. A fence may be located behind the hedge if necessary for safety or security reasons. An opening on one side of the facility of a size that is sufficient to provide access is permitted, provided that it does not face a public right of way, unless otherwise required by the county engineer in the case of public facilities which require such access.
   C.   Buildings: Any building associated with a neighborhood utility facility shall be designed to be compatible with other buildings in the neighborhood. Design elements include facade and roofing materials, roof pitch, height and scale, and orientation of blank walls. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010; amd. Ord. 2011-012, 7-12-2011; Ord. 2012-010, 4-10-2012; Ord. 2012-011, 4-10-2012; Ord. 2012-016, 4-10-2012)