Single-family detached dwellings shall be permitted in the agricultural (A) district subject to review that determines that the following requirements are met:
   A.   Vesting: Development shall only be permitted on a lot of record as of July 8, 1980.
   B.   Maximum Number Of Dwellings: No more than five (5) dwellings shall be permitted.
   C.   Density:
      1.   Each lot split requires that twenty (20) acres of land is reserved for agricultural or preservation purposes.
      2.   Therefore, there shall be only one lot of a minimum of 1.5 acres for one division and all other divisions shall be a minimum of five (5) acres in size. Each lot of division shall have twenty (20) acres of agricultural land reserved in perpetuity for agricultural uses.
      3.   The overall acreage for an agricultural tract of land shall not be considered to be reduced by the director for determining the number of permitted dwellings due to the transfer of a portion of said tract or land for purposes of pipeline or state, county, or township road rights of way.
   D.   Lot Configuration:
      1.   The minimum lot size shall be 1.5 acres.
      2.   The minimum lot width shall be one hundred seventy feet (170').
      3.   The newly created lots shall be contiguous with each other and shall share a joint entrance to an existing township or county road or to a state highway.
   E.   Subdivision Required: The following provisions are required for lots that are less than five (5) acres or any lot that does not have frontage on a public road:
      1.   Prior to establishment of a new residential lot, a legal description and plat of survey by a registered land surveyor of the proposed residential lot(s) shall be provided showing the lot lines of such lot(s).
      2.   The plat shall be approved in accordance with section 8-6-2, "Application Submittal Requirements", of this title. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010; amd. Ord. 2011-012, 7-12-2011; Ord. 2012-010, 4-10-2012; Ord. 2012-011, 4-10-2012)