Cargo containers are permitted as an administrative use in A agricultural zoning districts. All cargo containers used in A agricultural zoning districts need to comply with the following requirements:
   A.   Location:
      1.   Shall be placed in the rear yard of the property.
      2.   Placed five hundred feet (500'0") from lot lines.
      3.   Cargo container(s) shall be placed a minimum of ten feet (10'0") from any residential or accessory structures on the property.
      4.   Cargo containers shall not be placed within the limits of the floodplain in accordance with the floodplain administrator.
   B.   Lot Size And Limit Of Number Of Containers: The ratio of amount of cargo containers allowed per acre is one cargo container per fifty (50) acres. No more than four (4) cargo containers maximum is allowed.
   C.   Limitations In Use:
      1.   The cargo container(s) shall be limited to agricultural uses only and shall conform to all requirements set forth by the state and federal requirements.
      2.   Stacking cargo containers is prohibited.
      3.   Cargo container(s) shall be placed such that the container(s) is not in view of adjacent properties.
      4.   Cargo container(s) shall be supported to prevent shifting of the structure.
      5.   Cargo container(s) shall be a single neutral color.
   D.   Housing Of Livestock: Cargo containers used as shelter of livestock for agricultural purposes shall have the proper ventilation, and sanitation for the animals housed. The cargo containers shall comply with all state, federal and Grundy County codes for the storage of these animals. (Ord. 2011-012, 7-12-2011; amd. Ord. 2012-010, 4-10-2012)