8-2-4-4: BORROW PITS:
Borrow pits for interchange and highway projects may be permitted in the agricultural (A) and the agricultural residential (AR) zoning districts. The construction of the borrow pits shall be subject to an administrative review by the development review committee and demonstrate compliance with the following provisions:
   A.   Borrow pits shall comply with the requirements of the Grundy County stormwater ordinance.
   B.   The borrow pit shall be located such that any point along the bank of the pit is not closer than seventy five feet (75') from any part of an underground and/or aboveground septic tank or well system.
   C.   A setback of twenty five feet (25') shall be established between the right of way, easement access point and property lines of the parcel shall be established.
   D.   The maximum size of a borrow pit shall not exceed one-third (1/3) of the parcel and shall be constructed on a lot that has a minimum size of one acre. For parcels that are ten (10) acres or greater in size the borrow pit shall not be larger than twenty five percent (25%) of the parcel in which it is intended to be located.
   E.   Prior to the excavation of the borrow pit, the excavator shall install a fence to surround the pit that is six feet (6') in height, lockable and equipped with a knox box that is accessible by the jurisdictional fire district. Once the borrow pit has been completed and excavation has ceased, the fence shall be removed. (Ord. 2012-010, 4-10-2012)