A bed and breakfast shall be permitted in the agricultural (A), agricultural residential (AR), planned residential (PR), residential (R), and commercial general (CG) districts subject to administrative review that demonstrates that the following provisions are met:
   A.   Number Of Units: No more than five (5) rooms shall be available for clientele occupancy.
   B.   Building: The bed and breakfast is a reuse of an existing single-family building having a minimum floor area of two thousand (2,000) square feet. Additions shall amount to no more than sixty percent (60%) of the total floor area, subject to the provisions of chapter 3, "District Intensity And Bulk Standards", of this title.
   C.   Signs: Signs must be constructed of wood or other durable, nonplastic material and shall be affixed flat against the principal structure or constructed as a monument sign that is no more than four feet (4') in total height. The maximum sign area is as follows:
      1.   In the agricultural (A) district: Sixteen (16) square feet.
      2.   Other districts where permitted as a special use: Five (5) square feet.
   D.   Parking: Bed and breakfast uses must provide for all parking off street, which shall be fully screened from adjoining land uses by hedges and canopy trees. The director may permit on street parking to be substituted for off street parking upon determining that the street can accommodate the required parking and that off street parking would be detrimental to the character of the area. (Ord. 10-001, 1-12-2010)