A.   Private System Required; Exceptions: Each single-family residence constructed after the effective date hereof shall have its own sewage disposal system on the property adjacent to the residence and owned by the owner of the residence, except where such single-family residence is connected to and using the public sewer facilities of the county, a municipality, or a licensed public utility or an approved cluster system.
   B.   Location:
      1.   The minimum distance between water supply systems and sewage disposal systems, or any parts thereof, shall be as set forth in chapter 3 of this title.
      2.   Septic tanks must not be less than five feet (5') from the lot line and not less than ten feet (10') from the building served.
   C.   Sumps, Drains And Sewers:
      1.   Sumps And Pumps:
         a.   Sumps for collection of basement waste must be constructed of concrete, four inches (4") thick, or plastic, and shall not be permitted less than twenty five feet (25') from a well.
         b.   Where gravity flow is not feasible, a basement sump pump shall be provided for the collection of water draining from the footing drain tile and shall be discharged to an approved outlet. No laundry or floor drain waste lines shall be connected to this pump.
         c.   Where gravity flow of laundry waste and floor drains is not possible, it must be connected to a separate sump pump and discharged into a septic tank or sanitary sewer.
         d.   All sump pits shall be adequately covered with an approved cover to prevent debris from falling into the pit and to eliminate a safety hazard.
      2.   House Sewers And Drains:
         a.   Minimum size of the house sewer and the house drain shall be four inches (4"); minimum slope shall be one-eighth inch (1/8") per foot; maximum slope shall be one-fourth inch (1/4") per foot.
         b.   In order to prevent sagging of the pipe, all sewer lines shall be bedded in sand or pea gravel or other materials approved by the health department if soil other than sand is present on the site.
         c.   When solid PVC pipe is used between the house and tank and field, it must be schedule 40 pipe.
      3.   Grease Traps: Grease traps and catch basins, if used, unless located inside the dwelling and above the floor, must be located at least fifty feet (50') from any well or water pipe and must be constructed as specified by the county health department. Outflow from grease trap or catch basin must be discharged into the sewer leading to the septic tank.
   D.   Seepage System:
      1.   Location And Geology:
         a.   Seepage systems for disposal of septic tank effluent shall not be used where the depth from the ground surface to the limestone formation is less than fifteen feet (15'). Information supplied by the state geological survey, Urbana, Illinois, shall determine depth to the limestone formation. If this condition prevails, the county health department may prescribe an alternate system. This provision shall not apply to lots platted before the effective date hereof.
         b.   Seepage system shall be at least twenty five feet (25') from any ditch or stream. These distances shall be doubled or tripled if lot dimensions allow and soil conditions warrant increased distances.
         c.   Minimum distance from trench sides, or trench ends, or any part of the septic system to lot lines or easement lines shall be at least five feet (5').
      2.   Surface Water Drainage:
         a.   The lot area proposed to be occupied by a septic tank and tile seepage field shall be free from inundation due to ponding of water in depressions or on flat areas or due to flooding from streams or other drainage channels.
         b.   Rough and finished grading of seepage field areas shall be so designed and executed with respect to elevation and slope that surface drainage is off the area and away from all nearby wells.
      3.   Fill: If fill material is to be placed over or used for any part of the seepage field areas or within ten feet (10') thereof, to a depth of more than eighteen inches (18"), it shall be done as follows:
         a.   Porous material only, approved by the health department, shall be placed over the seepage field area and for a distance of twenty five feet (25') beyond the end of the laterals.
         b.   Under some circumstances the health department may require that for a distance of ten feet (10') beyond the porous fill, impervious material be placed and compacted in such manner as to prevent leaking at the top of the slope.
         c.   If the seepage system is to be installed within one year of completion of the filling operation, then the fill shall be placed in layers and compacted in such a manner that the tile lines shall not settle out of the required vertical alignment.
      4.   Design: Design of the seepage field shall be in accordance with rules and regulations established by the county health department and shall be based on percolation tests and/or soil evaluations, size and use of structure, number of persons served, and such other factors as might influence the functioning of the system. The county health department shall specify percolation test procedure, number of tests to be made and the form in which results are to be reported. Percolation tests, when run, shall be conducted by the health department or, if the department deems necessary, a party approved by the health department.
      5.   Disturbing Seepage Area Prohibited: After a proposed seepage system has been approved, the area in which it is to be installed shall not be disturbed in any way unless alterations are specified in the permit. The proposed seepage field area shall be protected against all vehicular traffic to prevent compaction of soil. A seepage system should be installed when soil moisture is at a low level so soil moisture will not cause smearing of the side walls of the seepage trench wall when trenches are excavated. Working too wet a soil can adversely affect the proper operation of a seepage system by smearing and compacting the soil.
   E.   Design Specifications:
      1.   Tank Construction: All septic tanks shall have reinforced removable lids and shall have a minimum dimension of eight inches (8").
      2.   Sewer And Seepage Field Construction:
         a.   Sewer lines shall be firmly mortared or an approved material applied at all connections with the septic tank or distribution box.
         b.   All seepage lines shall be fed from a central distribution box or through drop tees or elbows.
         c.   Distribution boxes, when used, shall be constructed of concrete of good quality or other suitable material with inlet at least two inches (2") above outlets and outlets at least one inch (1") above bottom. The box shall have a removable cover. Baffles shall be provided if necessary to obtain equal flow distribution.
         d.   Gravel or stone used in the seepage field or sand filter must be washed and clean; maximum cover over gravel is twenty inches (20"); minimum cover over gravel is six inches (6").
         e.   The total bottom area in the seepage trenches shall be determined from soil evaluations and/or percolation tests, according to the procedures set forth in the most recent edition of the Illinois private sewage disposal code unless otherwise noted herein.
         f.   Seepage system shall be designed and located so that usable reserve space will permit the installation of twice the minimum seepage area required. This area should be indicated on the plat accompanying the permit application. No seepage system shall be approved with its design based on less than a twenty (20) minute percolation rate unless approved by the health department.
         g.   All fill used in the seepage field area and to backfill the seepage trenches shall consist of finely divided, porous topsoil containing little or no clay, such as black dirt.
         h.   Except as specifically set forth in this section, all design specifications for seepage field areas shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the most recent edition of the Illinois private sewage disposal code.
      3.   Seepage Beds: Seepage beds may be used in lieu of seepage trenches, and the health authority may determine under any given conditions which system may be installed. A seepage bed should not be installed in soils that have a percolation rate of one hundred eighty (180) or more (180 minutes per 6 inch fall in water).
      4.   Sand Filter And Aerobic Systems:
         a.   One-sixteenth inch (1/16") mesh shall be used in vents for sand filter systems so that insects will not enter and exit the filter and transport bacteria.
         b.   Where a surface discharging system is approved, an effluent receiving trench shall be installed prior to discharge with the following design and sizing requirements:
            (1)   Effluent receiving trenches shall be designed at three (3) gallons per square foot of trench based on the daily flow of the system.
            (2)   Effluent receiving trenches shall be installed as shallow as possible and no more than thirty six inches (36") below the ground surface and shall have a minimum of six inches (6") of cover.
            (3)   Effluent receiving trenches shall be designed with a minimum of twelve inches (12") of gravel and with the distribution line(s) extending throughout the trench.
            (4)   Effluent receiving trenches shall be designed so that the invert of the overflow line is one inch (1") below the invert of the treatment outlet line.
   F.   Septic Tank Pumping:
      1.   Pumping Required: When a septic system malfunctions causing septic effluent to rise to the ground surface, the health department may require the homeowner to continually pump the septic tank to prevent the nuisance condition from existing.
      2.   Disposal Of Septage: Land disposal sites used for disposal of septage from septic tanks, grease traps and aerobic tanks shall be inspected and approved by the health department before the site is used for septage disposal.
   G.   Maintenance Of System: All sewage disposal systems shall be maintained so as to function properly. An action for violation of this subsection may be brought against the owner, lessee, or a manager of the property wherein the violation occurs.
   H.   Licensed Contractors Required: All private sewage disposal systems within the county shall be installed with a valid Illinois private sewage disposal system installation contractor's license; and all such systems shall be pumped, cleaned and the contents disposed of by individuals with a valid Illinois private sewage pumping contractor's license; provided, however, that a homeowner may install and/or service a private sewage disposal system which services his own personal single-family residence.
   I.   State Regulations Adopted: The most recent edition of the Illinois private sewage disposal code is hereby adopted by reference. The provisions of that code shall apply unless more stringent provisions are contained in this code. (Ord. 2015-001, 1-13-2015)