4-1-10: FINANCING:
   A.   Funds Provided; Resources:
      1.   It is the intent of the county board and declared to be the policy of the county that every effort shall be made to provide funds for disaster emergencies.
      2.   It is the county board's intent that the first recourse shall be to funds regularly appropriated to the agency. If the board chairman finds that the demands placed upon these funds in coping with a particular disaster are unreasonably great, he may make application for funds from the state disaster relief fund. If monies available from the fund are insufficient, and if the board chairman finds that other sources of money to cope with the disaster are not available or are insufficient, he shall issue a call for immediate session of the county board for the purpose of enacting ordinances as the board may deem necessary to transfer and expend monies appropriated for other purposes, or borrow monies from the United States government or other public or private sources. If less than a quorum of the members of the board is capable of convening in session to enact such ordinances for the transfer, expenditure or loan of such monies, the board chairman is authorized to carry out those decisions until such time as a quorum of the board can convene.
      3.   Nothing contained in this subsection shall be construed to limit the board chairman's authority to apply for, administer and expend grants, gifts, or payments in aid of disaster mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response or recovery.
   B.   Services, Gifts, Grants And Loans: Whenever the federal or state government, or any agency or officer thereof, or whenever any person, firm or corporation shall offer to the county services, equipment, supplies, materials or funds by way of gift or grant for purposes of emergency services and disaster operations, the county, acting through the board chairman or through its county board, may accept such offer and, upon such acceptance, may receive such services, equipment, supplies, materials or funds on behalf of the county. (Ord., 1-10-1995)