7.01  Chief Fiscal Officer, Department of Finance.
   (A)   The person holding the office of Clerk-Treasurer under the general statutory plan of government for the Village of Groveport on the effective date of this Charter shall continue in office until the expiration of her term of office and shall perform the statutory powers and duties of that office, which do not conflict with the provisions of this Charter. At the end of the term of the Clerk-Treasurer, or at an earlier date if such office shall become vacant, the office of Clerk-Treasurer shall be abolished and shall cease to exist. Thereafter the Director of Finance shall be the chief fiscal officer of the Municipality.
   (B)   Upon the abolishment and termination of the statutory office of Clerk-Treasurer, there is hereby created the Department of Finance to be headed by a Director of Finance. The Director of Finance shall be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council by a majority vote of its members. The Director of Finance may be removed from office, without cause by (i) the Mayor upon Council's approval, by a majority vote of its members, of the Mayor's action to remove the Director of Finance, or (ii) the Council upon a vote of at least five members of the Council, without the consent of the Mayor. The Director of Finance need not be an elector or resident of the Municipality. He or she shall be qualified by training or experience in public or private sector financial management or other related fields, with those qualifications being determined in the sole discretion of the Mayor and the Council. The Director of Finance shall hold no other public office or public or private employment, unless the other public office or public or private employment shall be allowed by a majority vote of the members of the Council.
   (C)   The Director of Finance shall be subject to the control and direction of the Administrator and under the general control and supervision of the Mayor and the Council. With respect to collection of revenues and the control over the expenditure of funds by the officers and employees of the Municipality, the Director of Finance shall be subject to the control and direction of the Council.
   (D)   The Director of Finance shall be the chief fiscal officer of the Municipality and shall perform the powers, duties and functions now or hereafter given to City Auditors and Treasurers under the general laws of Ohio to the extent those laws are not in conflict with this Charter or the ordinances and resolutions of the Municipality. The Director of Finance, in addition to the powers, duties and functions prescribed by this Charter, shall have other powers, duties and functions as required by ordinance or resolution, or as directed by the Administrator. The Director of Finance shall keep the financial records of the Municipality, establish the accounting systems, financial records and reports used by the offices, departments, divisions, bureaus, boards and commissions of the Municipality; conduct internal audits upon the request of the Council; assist the Administrator in the preparation and submission of appropriation measures, estimates, budgets, capital programs and other financial matters; provide full and complete information concerning the financial affairs and status of the Municipality as requested by the Administrator, the Mayor or Council; and provide full and complete information and assistance concerning the finances or accounting systems or records of any office, department, division, bureau, board or commission of the Municipality as requested by the Administrator.
   (E)   The Director of Finance shall be responsible for the deposit and investment of the funds of the Municipality pursuant to the general laws of Ohio, provided that the Council may, by a vote of a majority of its members, adopt ordinances and resolutions from time to time to provide methods and procedures other than pursuant to the general laws of Ohio for the deposit and investment of the Municipality's monies and funds.