The installation, construction and expansion of electric, telephone and cable television shall generally be placed underground subject to the following conditions and exceptions:
   (a)   Transmission lines and transformers, pedestals, street light control boxes, switch boxes, etc. that is located on the ground in connection with the installation of the underground utilities shall be exempt from this section. Transmission lines are defined as those lines constructed between generating stations and substations.
   (b)   Temporary overhead services of electric and telephone utilities may be allowed, provided that all permanent electric, telephone, and cable television services within and adjacent to new subdivisions, residential, commercial, and industrial uses shall be underground. Temporary overhead services are those services that are necessary for immediate public convenience and necessity that are constructed to serve only on an interim basis until such time as permanent underground services can be installed and/or services that are extended through undeveloped parcels that are not a part of the development in order to reach the subdivision
   (c)   The owner or developer of subdivision shall provide easements for electric, telephone and cable television. These utilities will be installed in the same trench and easement whenever possible.
      (Ord. 19-011. Passed 4-22-19.)