(A)   Extension of lines and service.
      (1)   When in the judgment of the borough, the estimated revenue will be insufficient to justify the investment in the extensions required to supply service to the customer, the borough may require the customer to bear all or any portion of the cost of such extensions in the form of a revenue advance, or otherwise conform to the rules hereinafter set forth regarding extensions and additions. Money advanced by a customer for the construction of industrial power lines, shall be subject to refund at the rate of 25% of the customer’s monthly power bill.
      (2)   In the event that contract is terminated prior to the complete refund of the revenue advance or that the entire amount has not been credited to the customer within a period of five years, there shall be no further refund of any remaining portion of said revenue advance.
      (3)   As an alternate, if mutually agreeable to both the customer and the borough, added facilities will be supplied and the minimum monthly charge shall be increased by an amount equal to 1.5% of the estimated construction costs.
      (4)   The guaranteed minimum monthly payment provision outlined in division (A)(3) above shall terminate five years after the date that the particular line extension was placed in service, and the minimum charges provided for in the borough’s standard rates will become effective.
   (B)   Services. The borough will not install or pay for any facilities on the private property of a customer and for the exclusive service of such customer, except the meter and the first 100 feet of service wires for each customer extending from the general facilities of the borough. All such facilities not paid for by the borough shall be installed, maintained and replaced at the expense of the customer; provided, however, the borough may furnish and install the necessary facilities upon the private property of a customer, when such customer provides a continuous right-of-way through his or her property for the construction, operation, maintenance and extension of such facilities to service other customers; or when each customer guarantees an additional monthly payment to the borough under the provisions of this rule, for the additional expense involved beyond the first 100 feet of service wires.
   (C)   Seasonal customers. Seasonal customers may elect to take service for a smaller number of months, provided that the customer guarantees to pay during the months chosen a minimum not less than the sum of the 12 monthly guarantees. Service will be discontinued during the remaining months of the year unless customer requests that service remain connected, in which case minimum of the applicable schedule will apply during the remaining months.
(1980 Code, Ch. 8, Part 1, § 63) (Ord. 1008, passed 5-20-1974, § 23)