(A)   Application of rule.
      (1)   The charges contained in the borough’s rates, unless otherwise specified, are based upon the customer purchasing all energy requirements from the borough and do not apply when the service is used for partial, auxiliary or standby service to any other source of energy.
      (2)   When the customer obtains a portion of his or her energy requirements from the borough for partial, auxiliary, breakdown, emergency, reserve or standby service to energy supplied or which can be supplied from any other source, the provisions of this rule shall then apply.
      (3)   Customer’s equipment may not be concurrently operated by means of service supplied by the borough and by such other source of electric or mechanical power, except upon written agreement setting forth the conditions of such operation, nor shall the borough be obligated to furnish capacity in excess of the contract demand or billing demand whichever is the greater.
   (B)   Rate. Service will be supplied under the terms of General Service Rate No. 3, or Primary Power Service Rate No. 4, whichever is applicable, subject to the terms of this rule relating to the contract demand.
   (C)   Contract demand.
      (1)   The contract demand for any class of service provided for in this rule shall be initially established by mutual agreement between the borough and the customer and contained in the service contract, but in no event less than the minimum demand stipulated in the applicable rate.
      (2)   The borough reserves the right to require the customer to furnish, install and maintain a limiting device, approved by and under the sole control of the borough.
      (3)   The billing demand shall not be less than the contract demand, and whenever the actual measured demand exceeds the contract demand, then this actual measured demand becomes the billing demand. For any month, the billing demand shall not be less than the greatest actual measured demand during the preceding 11 months.
      (4)   No customer shall be permitted to effect a reduction in his or her contract demand by recontracting for the same service unless a bona fide reduction in load has occurred.
   (D)   Contract periods. Written contract for a term of years as mutually agreed to between the customer and the borough, but in no event shall the term be for less than one year.
(1980 Code, Ch. 8, Part 1, § 50) (Ord. 1008, passed 5-20-1974, § 10)