(A)   The borough will read its meters on monthly periods as regularly scheduled as practical.
   (B)   In the event that scheduled reading of meters is not obtained because of inability to gain access to the meter location or to installations at remote locations, the borough will estimate the amount of service supplied, and for the intervening months between actual readings the borough will render appropriately marked bills. The bills so provided for the month in which the meter is not read shall have the same force and effect as if the meters had been read for that period, and shall be paid in accordance with the standard payment terms of the applicable schedule.
   (C)   The bills so rendered shall be subject to revision whenever the customer shall advise the borough of any unusual circumstances occurring in his or her use of service between meter readings, or whenever irregularity in use is readily apparent to the borough.
(1980 Code, Ch. 8, Part 1, § 44) (Ord. 1008, passed 5-20-1974, § 4)