(A)   No person other than the Borough of Grove City, the contracted borough agent or the contracted private dumpster agency may remove, transport or convey, or cause to be removed, transported or conveyed, any garbage or recyclable items along any public street or alley or other public places in the Borough of Grove City.
   (B)   No person other than the Borough of Grove City, the contracted borough agency or the contracted private dumpster agency may engage in or conduct the business of collecting, removing or disposing of garbage and recyclables within the limits of the Borough of Grove City.
   (C)   No person may dispose of, deposit or place, or cause or permit to be disposed of, deposited or placed, any garbage or refuse upon or in any public street, park, alley, lane, place, catch basin or receptacle leading into any sewer or in or upon any private lot within the limits of the Borough of Grove City.
   (D)   No person may dispose of garbage and/or recyclables in any manner otherwise than as provided in this subchapter.
   (E)   No person may place any receptacles for the storage of garbage and recyclables in or upon any public street, lane, alley or sidewalk.
   (F)   No person may obstruct, delay or interfere with the collectors of garbage and recyclables in the performance of their duties.
   (G)   No person may place or discard household refuse in public trash containers.
   (H)   No person may dispose of trash or recycling materials at a residence in which they were not generated.
(Ord. 1488, passed 12-19-2022, § 7)