(A)   Garbage within the Borough of Grove City shall, when properly prepared for collection as herein defined, be collected, removed and disposed of by the Borough of Grove City or through an agent contracted by the borough. The contractor and/or employees of the Borough of Grove City shall be responsible for the emptying of all trash receptacles located on public spaces. The contractor and/or employees of the Borough of Grove City shall not be required to remove any garbage not properly prepared for collection or stored in receptacles of the type and in the manner provided in this subchapter.
   (B)   The Borough of Grove City and/or contracted agent may divide the borough into collection zones and designate the days on which garbage shall be collected in the various zones.
   (C)   Garbage containers and/or other materials/bulk items, not to exceed the limits set by the contract with the borough’s agent or by Borough Council resolution, shall be collected and removed by the Borough of Grove City or the borough agent at least once each week from private residences, apartments and all other residential places within the Borough of Grove City.
   (D)   The borough shall collect and remove garbage and recyclables from residential and commercial establishments that are referred to as commercial-A properties within the Borough of Grove City. The Borough Manager shall be responsible for maintaining a list of commercial-A properties and he/she may add or remove properties from this list at his/her discretion.
   (E)   All garbage, refuse and recyclables collected and removed by the Borough of Grove City or its agent shall be and become the property of the borough or the borough’s agent.
(Ord. 1488, passed 12-19-2022, § 2)