§ 155.043 PROCESSING.
   All plans, whether preliminary or final, shall be processed as follows.
   (A)   All application files and plats shall be sent by the Subdivision Administrator or designee to the Borough Planning Commission. The Commission shall review the plans for compliance with this chapter, any other pertinent regulations and make a decision.
   (B)   The Subdivision Administrator shall forward one copy to the County Regional Planning Commission for its review and comment. The subdivision shall not be approved until comments are received from that agency or the expiration of 30 days from the date the application was forwarded. If the county imposes a fee for its review and report, the applicant shall pay that fee.
   (C)   Three copies of the approved plat shall be retained or supplied by the developer to record approval, disapproval or conditional approval upon, of which one copy shall be returned to the developer.
   (D)   A copy shall be sent to the Borough Engineer or another professional consultant if necessary.
(Ord. 1432, passed 5-18-2015, Art. 3, § 309)