(A)   The Borough Council hereby approves the usage of speed timing devices within the municipal boundaries of the borough by police officers employed by the borough.
   (B)   The borough police officers are permitted to use the following speed timing devices within the boundaries of the borough:
      (1)   A speedometer located within a motor vehicle;
      (2)   Enradd, Model EJU-91 as manufactured by Y.I.S., Incorporated;
      (3)   VASCAR-plus as manufactured by Traffic Safety Systems, a division of Power Systems & Controls, Incorporated;
      (4)   VASCAR-plus II as manufactured by Traffic Safety Systems, a division of Power Systems & Controls, Incorporated;
      (5)   Electronic and mechanical stopwatches provided that the Department of Transportation has approved these speed timing devices by submission of a certificate of stopwatch accuracy indicating that the stopwatch has been successfully tested in accordance with the requirements of 67 Pa. Code Chapter 105, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Speed Time Devices, or its successors; and
      (6)   Any and all other speed timing devices approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation on or after the date of the enactment of this section.
   (C)   The usage of such speed timing devices shall only occur in full compliance with all statutes and regulations of the Commonwealth, including all requirements for certification and calibration of all such equipment, timing strips and/or devices.
(1980 Code, Ch. 17, Part 1, § 6) (Ord. 1275, passed 4-21-1997)