(A)   Users of the Borough sewage system who obtain water, in whole or in part, from private or unmetered sources shall be charged a monthly flat rate of $33.55 per equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) and each EDU or fraction thereof shall be subject to this monthly minimum flat rate charge. For the purposes of this section, an equivalent dwelling unit shall be considered to be 5,000 gallons of potable water consumed per month.
   (B)   In the alternative to division (A) above, at the option of the sewage system user and provided that the sewage system user permits uninterrupted access and unscheduled inspections of private and borough water facilities and provided that every source of water available to the user is metered, such user may be charged, as an alternative, the monthly metered sewage rental charges as provided elsewhere in these rates.
(1980 Code, Ch. 20, Part 3, § 55) (Ord. 1088, passed 11-7-1979, § 7; Ord. 1118, passed 12-19-1980, § 3; Ord. 1133, passed 1-8-1982, § 1; Ord. 1155, passed 1-3-1984; Ord. 1221, passed 12-17-1990, § 3; Ord. 1316, passed 12-16-2002, § 1; Ord. 1388, passed 10-19-2009, § 2; Ord. 1414, passed 12-17-2012, § 2; Ord. 1457, passed 12-17-2018, § 1; Ord. 1466, passed 1-6-2020, § 1; Ord. 1473, passed 12-21-2020, § 1; Ord. 1482, passed 12-20-2021, § 1; Ord. 1496, passed 12-18-2023)