(a) Before submitting an application to the Building Division, to become a Building Division registered home improvement general or limited contractor, or sewer contractor, an applicant shall have done one (1) of the following:
(1) Secured a license from the City of Columbus or another entity approved by the Chief Building and Zoning Official; or
(2) Satisfactorily completed and passed, with a grade of at least seventy (70) percent, all written examinations as prescribed by the Contractor Board of Review for the type of registration for which an application will be made with the Building Division. The required examinations shall be administered by an approved testing agency identified by the Chief Building and Zoning Official. The required examinations shall include:
A. An approved examination based on practical trade and craft(s) skill(s) and knowledge and, in addition, the applicable code(s) for the specific type of registration applied for; and
B. An approved examination similar to the current business and law examination required by the Ohio Construction Industry Examining Board (OCIEB) for registered specialty contractors.
(b) After ninety (90) calendar days from the date that a passing score was achieved on any required examination for a Building Division issued registration, the passing score for that examination shall become invalid.
(c) An approved examination shall be an examination that has been reviewed and recommended for use to the Chief Building and Zoning Official by the Contractor Board of Review and subsequently approved for use by the Chief Building and Zoning Official.
(Ord. C33-02. Passed 4-15-02; Ord. C111-08. Passed 12-1-08.)