(a)   Certificate Required. No person shall supply gas or electricity to a system or piping or wiring in a building until a certificate from the Building Inspector for this wiring or piping has been issued.
   (b)   Permit Application. Prior to the commencement of any installation, an application for heating, ventilating, air conditioning or portable heating appliances permit shall be made at the Division of Building Regulation. Such application shall include plans and specifications showing location of equipment distribution elements and safety devices if required by the Inspector.
   (c)   Permit Required. Upon checking for compliance with this chapter or any other ordinance governing such work, an approval of the plant, except on work done by an owner on his own residence, a heating, ventilating, air conditioning or portable heating appliance permit, shall be secured from the Inspector by the holder of a license to do such work, or by the firm or corporation employing a holder of such license or by an owner on his own residence, before any work is started on the installation, upon payment of the fee as required in subsection (d) hereof, and the permit or copy thereof shall be posted at the site at all times during the course of construction.
   This permit shall be required to install or replace any heating, ventilating or air conditioning unit, or to add any air outlets or heating units, including central heating plant, conversion burner, direct-fired unit heater, space heater, portable heating appliance and floor furnace. Permits will not be required for ventilating systems without duct-work.
(Ord. C55-69. Passed 12-1-69.)
   (d)   Space Heating Appliances. The permit fee for the installation or replacement of each space heating appliance, as defined in Article 10 of the Ohio Basic Building Code and Part IV of the BOCA Code, is based on BTU input for warm air furnaces, including duct work, boilers, incinerators, commercial conversion burners and commercial dryers.
   (e)   Fee Schedule.
      (1)   Residential:
         Heating (warm air, heat pump, etc.)
         When installing Heating & Cooling at same time
         Alternation to Existing System
NOTE: Each unit in a multi-family dwelling shall be considered as a single unit and permitted as such.
      (2)   Commercial, Industrial, Etc.:
         Warm air furnaces and boilers:
            Up to 100,000 BTU or 29,300 watts
            200,000 BTU or 58.6 KW
            300,000 BTU or 87.9 KW
            Over 300,000 BTU or 87.9 KW add for each additional 100,000 BTU
      (3)   Electric perimeter radiant heating:
         The fee for electric baseboard or radiant heating shall be based on the total wattage as set forth above.
      (4)   Heat pumps:
         1 ton but less than 5 tons
         5 ton but less than 10 tons
         Each additional 5 tons or fraction thereof
      (5)   Air conditioning systems:
         All up to but less than 5 tons
         Per ton over 4 tons
      (6)   Ventilating systems:
         201 to 1,000 cfm
         1,001 to 5,000 cfm
         5,000 to 10,000 cfm
         Each additional 10,000 cfm
      (7)   Commercial alterations where unit not being changed:
         Per opening
      (8)   Fireplaces and chimneys:
         Prefabricated, solid fuel fireplaces either freestanding or constructed exposed against wall, will be considered as a heating appliance and require a permit
NOTE: Flues extended above roof more than three feet or exposed to exterior shall be encased in a decorative chase matching in appearance the exterior finish of dwelling or structure.
(Ord.C30-88. Passed 5-16-88; Ord. C25-94. Passed 4-18-94; Ord. C78-97. Passed 1-5-98.)
   (f)   Steam or Hot Water Heating Plant Fee:
      New installation, each boiler
      Replacement of boiler or units
(Ord. C25-94. Passed 4-18-94; Ord. C78-97. Passed 1-5-98.)
   (g)   Doubling of Fees. The amount of any and all fees in subsections (d), (e) and (f) hereof, shall be doubled if ordered by the Inspector if work is commenced on any boiler, air conditioning, ventilating or heating unit installation or replacement work before an application for a permit for such work has been filed with the Inspector.
   Double fees shall not apply to any emergency work, if a permit is obtained at the earliest possible time and the Inspector is advised of the urgent necessity of such work before application.
   (h)   Reinspection Fee. Defects in which no effort has been made to correct within seven work days shall be subject to a reinspection fee equal to the original fee to be assessed when the next application is requested.
   (i)   Collection of Duplicate Fees. Duplicate fees shall not be collected on outlets and inlets of any all-year air conditioning system.
(Ord. C22-76. Passed 2-2-76.)