(a) The areas of special flood hazard have been identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in a scientific and engineering report entitled "Flood Insurance Study for Franklin County, Ohio, and Incorporated Areas". This Study, dated March 16, 2004, with accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Maps, and any revisions thereto is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this Code. The Flood Insurance Study is on file in the City Hall, 4035 Broadway, Grove City, Ohio.
(b) Any hydrologic and hydraulic engineering analysis authored by a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio, which has been approved by the City of Grove City as required by 1329.21 Subdivisions and Large Development.
(Ord. C3-94. Passed 1-18-94; Ord. C47-95. Passed 8-7-95; Ord. C17-04. Passed 3-1-04.)