(a)   No person in a park shall be intoxicated or be under the influence of any intoxicating liquor or alcoholic beverage, pursuant to Section 529.01 of the Codified Ordinances.
   (b)   No person shall use, consume, carry or bring any intoxicating liquor, alcoholic beverage in or upon any park.
   (c)   Exemptions. Subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall not apply to the following locations:
      (1)   Eagle Pavilion at Rotary Lake when the possession, sale and/or consumption of intoxicating liquors or alcoholic beverages is permitted by written authorization from the Director of Parks and Recreation.
      (2)   The Pavilion at Beulah when the possession, sale and/or consumption of intoxicating liquors or alcoholic beverages is permitted by written authorization from the Director of Parks and Recreation.
   (d)   The possession, sale and/or consumption of intoxicating liquors or alcoholic beverages, when permitted by Subsection (c), shall be in compliance with all applicable laws pertaining thereto and with any Department of Parks and Recreation administrative rules. Failure to comply with any laws or administrative rules shall be sufficient grounds for immediate revocation of the permit.
(Ord. C01-16. Passed 2-1-16; Ord. C56-24. Passed 12-2-24.)