   As used in this chapter:
   (a)   "Outdoor concert" means any musical performance of which the primary component is a presentation of singing or the playing of musical instruments that is intended by its sponsors mainly, but not necessarily exclusively, for the listening enjoyment of any audience where the singing or music is amplified by an electric loudspeaker or any electronic device or equipment that is held or conducted in a facility that is not completely enclosed by walls, a roof or other physical structure.
   (b)   "Owner" means the person, corporation, company or other business entity that owns the facility or the real property where the outdoor concert is to be or is conducted.
   (c)   "Sponsor" means the person, corporation, company or other business entity that is responsible for planning, scheduling or conducting the outdoor concert.
(Ord. C12-91. Passed 2-18-91.)
   An outdoor concert shall be permitted only in an area that is zoned for commercial, public or industrial use. Any person, owner or sponsor planning or intending to conduct an outdoor concert shall obtain a special use permit pursuant to Section 1135.09(12) of the Codified Ordinances, no later than twenty-one days prior to the start of the first outdoor concert. If a special use permit is obtained, that permit shall be valid and in force for each succeeding year so long as the outdoor concert is conducted each year in the same facility. If the outdoor concert is not conducted in that facility for any year, the special use permit shall be deemed abandoned and withdrawn.
(Ord. C12-91. Passed 2-18-91.)
   If any person, owner or sponsor intends or plans to conduct an outdoor concert where the audience may exceed 100 people, that person, owner or sponsor shall obtain from the Director of Public Safety not later than twenty-one days before the start of the first outdoor concert an approved plan for the handling and parking of automobile traffic, security, crowd control and medical services, safety and well-being for those people attending the outdoor concert. To facilitate the preparation and review of any such plan, the person, owner or sponsor applying for the plan shall pay to the City the sum of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) together with an initial draft of the proposed plan for the review, modification and approval of the Director. The plan shall be in writing, have the signed approval of the Director, and the owner and sponsor of the outdoor concert shall be responsible for conducting the outdoor concert and all further outdoor concerts conducted in the same facility during that year in full compliance with the plan. If the owner, sponsor and Director are unable to agree on a plan, the plan may be approved and adopted by a resolution of a majority of the members of Council.
(Ord. C12-91. Passed 2-18-91.)