Every officer and employee of the City shall, before entering upon his duties, take and subscribe to the following oath or affirmation to be filed and kept in the office of the Clerk:
"I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Ohio and will obey the laws thereof and that I will, in all respects, observe the provisions of the Charter and ordinances of this City, and will faithfully discharge the duties of ____________________, upon which I am about to enter."
All officers and employees of the City whose duties require them to handle or be concerned with the management of its money or other property, shall furnish to the Clerk a corporate surety bond issued by a company authorized to do business in Ohio, to protect the City against loss due to their acts. The amount of such bond shall, in each case, be determined by the Council. The premiums on such bonds shall be paid from the funds of the City.
No member of the Council or any officer or employee of the City shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect in any contract with or sale to the City of any materials, supplies or services, or any land or interest in land. A person who knowingly and willfully violates this section shall be guilty of malfeasance in office, and upon conviction thereof shall be removed from office. Any contract or agreement made in violation of this section shall be voidable at the election of the Council.
Any section of this Charter may be amended as provided in Article XVIII Section 9 of the Ohio Constitution, by submission of proposed amendments to the electors of the Municipality. Such amendments may be initiated either by a two-thirds vote of the Council or by petition to the Council of ten per cent of the electors. In the year 2031 and every ten years thereafter, a Charter Review Committee shall be formed consisting of two members appointed by each ward Council Member, two appointed by the at-large Council Members, and three appointed by the Mayor. The Committee shall submit a report to Council within a twelve-month period. (Amended 11-7-17)