Ord. No. | Date | Description |
Ord. No. | Date | Description |
Plat Book 17 | ||
Pgs. 16-17 | 5-5-24 | Cruzens Addition of 7.5+ acres. |
193 | 5-27-47 | Glenn L. Lotz Addition. |
207 | 11-1-48 | Alley running from Park Street to Civic Drive. |
212 | Gunderman's Grove City Addition. | |
240 | 4-17-51 | Alley north of Woodlawn Avenue between Moore and Dudley Avenues. |
249-52 | 3-3-52 | Paul E. White's first addition. |
252 | 6-2-52 | Charles White's Addition. |
266 | 6-1-53 | Orchard Lane. |
270 | 12-17-53 | Girbert Subdivision. |
280 | 7-12-54 | Sherry Lynne Homes Subdivision. |
283 | 8-16-54 | J. C. Evans Subdivision. |
285 | 9-7-54 | Girbert Subdivision. |
286 | 10-4-54 | Brookgrove Subdivision. |
289 | 12-20-54 | Street on Haughn Road. |
290 | 1-17-55 | Sherry Lynne Homes Subdivision. |
294 | 2-28-55 | Jackson Homes Subdivision. |
295 | 3-7-55 | Lotz Addition. |
296 | 4-18-55 | Carbrock Addition. |
299 | 4-18-55 | Elvin White's Addition. |
301 | 5-16-55 | Brookgrove Subdivision No. 2. |
302 | 6-6-55 | Brookgrove Subdivision. |
303 | 6-20-55 | Gladman Subdivision. |
311 | 9-12-55 | Brookgrove Subdivision No. 2. |
312 | 9-12-55 | Grove City Heights Subdivision. |
314 | 9-12-55 | Carbrock Subdivision. |
315 | 10-3-55 | Girbert Subdivision. |
317 | 11-21-55 | Gladman Avenue. |
318 | 12-29-55 | Kingswood Heights Subdivision. |
320 | 12-17-55 | Jackson Homes Subdivision. |
3-56 | 1-9-56 | Area on Meadow Lane. |
4-56 | 1-9-56 | Jackson Homes Subdivision, Section 2. |
5-56 | 1-23-56 | High Meadows Addition. |
11-56 | 5-7-56 | Three-foot strip on east of twelve-foot alley east of Broadway from Park Street to Civic Drive. |
13-56 | 5-21-56 | La Rosa Subdivision. |
14-56 | 5-21-56 | Twenty-foot strip on north side of Kington Avenue. |
18-56 | 7-2-56 | Gladman Avenue. |
23-56 | 8-20-56 | J. C. Evans Subdivision. |
30-56 | 10-8-56 | Jackson Homes Subdivision No. 2. |
32-56 | 10-22-56 | Jackson Homes Subdivision. |
48-57 | 7-15-57 | Security Drive. |
53-57 | 10-21-57 | Amended plat of lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 and 26 of block 7, La Rosa Subdivision. |
56-57 | 10-21-57 | Barfield Heights No. 1. |
2-58 | 3-17-58 | James Court and eastern section of Dennis Lane in LaRosa Subdivision. |
7-59 | 5-18-59 | Portion of Dennis Lane in LaRosa Subdivision. |
12-59 | 5-20-59 | Twenty-two foot strip at Kington Avenue and Harrisburg Pike. |
22-59 | 11-2-59 | One-foot strip on Glenna Avenue. |
40-60 | 9-11-61 | Portion of Barbee Avenue. |
56-60 | 1-9-61 | High Meadows Subdivision. |
59-60 | 2-6-61 | Grove City Heights. |
15-61 | 3-6-61 | Kingswood Heights Subdivision. |
22-61 | 5-15-61 | Monterey Park. |
29-61 | 7-10-61 | Monterey Park No. 2. |
32-61 | 8-7-61 | Monterey Park No. 3. |
34-61 | 9-11-61 | Parlin Manor. |
12-62 | 2-5-62 | Richards Avenue. |
48-62 | 10-1-62 | Stoner Subdivision. |
4-63 | 2-4-63 | Stoner Subdivision. |
18-63 | 7-1-63 | Sawyer Subdivision. |
24-63 | 9-15-63 | Parlin Manor Subdivision. |
25-63 | 8-5-63 | Southwest Boulevard. |
26-63 | 8-5-63 | Resubdivision of part of Monterey Park No. 3. |
28-63 | 8-5-63 | Brook Park. |
22-64 | 6-1-64 | Sawyer Subdivision. |
1-65 | 1-4-65 | Monterey Park No. 3. |
8-65 | 3-1-65 | Stoner Subdivision No. 2. |
9-65 | 6-3-65 | Park Ridge Subdivision. |
12-65 | 6-3-65 | Highland Park No. 1. |
24-65 | 2-28-65 | Barfield Heights No. 2. |
38-65 | 9-13-65 | Monterey Park No. 3. |
43-65 | 9-13-65 | Monterey Park No. 3. |
27-66 | 5-2-66 | Highland Park No. 2. |
7-67 | 1-9-67 | Portion of Addison Drive. |
10-67 | 2-6-67 | Highland Park No. 1. |
19-67 | 3-6-67 | Highland Park No. 2. |
24-67 | 6-5-67 | Washington's Survey. |
46-67 | 10-2-67 | Patzer Avenue extension. |
1-68 | 2-5-68 | Grove City Heights No. 2. |
25-68 | 5-6-68 | Sixteen feet for alley, Smith's Addition to Beulah, lot 5. |
19-69 | 6-5-69 | Brookham Drive. |
27-69 | 7-7-69 | Extension of Addison Drive. |
28-71 | 8-11-71 | Washington's Survey, Plat No. 2. |
48-71 | 9-13-71 | Park Ridge, Plat No. 2. |
15-72 | 3-6-72 | Park Ridge, Plat No. 3. |
28-72 | 7-5-72 | Park Ridge, Plat No. 4. |
42-72 | 6-5-72 | Howard Johnson Motor Inn. |
44-72 | 7-5-72 | Plot plan of Grove City Industrial Park. |
83-72 | 12-4-72 | Resubdivision of lots 53 and 54 and vacated Bryston Road of Grove City Heights Subdivision No. 2. |
85-72 | 11-6-72 | Extension of Sonora Drive to Allen Road. |
27-73 | 3-5-73 | Access Road west of North Broadway. |
52-73 | 8-6-73 | Plat of Marsh Run Meadows, Phase I. |
35-74 | 5-20-74 | Plat of Farmbrook Subdivision, Part No. 1. |
C56-74 | 9-16-74 | Briarwood Hills No. 5. |
C57-74 | 9-16-74 | Stoner Subdivision No. 3. |
C64-74 | 10-7-74 | Stoner Subdivision No. 4. |
C65-74 | 10-7-74 | West Grove No. 1. |
C73-74 | 11-4-74 | Brookside Estates, Ltd. |
C77-74 | 12-9-74 | Salmar, Inc. (Holiday Inn). |
C15-75 | 3-17-75 | Tanglebrook Subdivision. |
C16-75 | 3-17-75 | Road right of way and Jim Poenisch will be combined as one road. |
C36-75 | 5-19-75 | Brookpark No. 2. |
C75-75 | 12-1-75 | Stoner Subdivision No. 5. |
C13-76 | 2-2-76 | Lots 265 through 269 of Reserve "A", West Grove No. 1. |
C44-76 | 5-3-76 | West Grove, Section 2, Lots 252 to 264. |
C98-76 | 12-20-76 | Independence Subdivision. |
C107-76 | 1-3-77 | Amended plat of Brookpark No. 2, Lots 24 to 27. |
C35-77 | 5-2-77 | Plat of Indian Trails, No. 2. |
C36-77 | 5-2-77 | Plat of Hardesty Grove, subdivision of Indian Trails No. 2. |
C48-77 | 6-6-77 | Indian Trails No. 3. |
C49-77 | 6-6-77 | Reserve "D" Westgrove No. 1. |
C54-77 | 7-11-77 | Meadow Grove No. 1. |
C76-77 | 10-3-77 | Financial Growth Subdivision. |
C10-78 | 2-6-78 | Indian Trails No. 4. |
C17-78 | 3-6-78 | Lots No. 1 through No. 21 - Mamie Kropp Subdivision No. 1. |
C20-78 | 4-3-78 | Briarwood Hills No. 5, Sec. 1. |
C28-78 | 5-1-78 | West Grove No. 3. |
C34-78 | 6-5-78 | Indian Trails No. 4 revised. |
C66-78 | 10-2-78 | Briarwood Hills No. 5, Sec. 2. |
C74-78 | 11-6-78 | Indian Trails No. 5. |
C85-78 | 12-18-78 | Secots Drive Parcels No. 1. |
C17-79 | 3-5-79 | Meadow Grove No. 2. |
C18-79 | 3-5-79 | Parts of Route 665 and South Meadows Drive. |
C25-79 | 4-9-79 | Parkside Estates Nos. 1 and 2. |
C26-79 | 4-9-79 | Oak Grove. |
C67-79 | 11-5-79 | Revised Plat, Indian Trails No. 4. |
C17-80 | 4-7-80 | Mamie Kropp Subdivision No. 2 - Lots No. 22 to No. 45. |
C31-80 | 5-19-80 | Grove City Industrial Park No. 1. |
C32-80 | 6-2-80 | Extension of Kathryn Place (C16-75). |
C43-80 | 8-11-80 | Indian Trails #4 Revised. |
C44-80 | 8-11-80 | Resubdivision of part of Grants Addition to Beulah and part of Curtis Avenue. |
C53-80 | 8-11-80 | Amend building line of Lots #38, 39 and 40 on Hoover Road in Meadow Grove #1. |
C70-80 | 11-3-80 | Harrisburg Station Lane. |
C8-81 | 2-2-81 | Meadow Grove #2. |
C71-82 | 10-4-82 | Stoner Subdivision #6. |
22-83 | 5-2-83 | Parkside Village. |
39-83 | 9-19-83 | South part of Reserve "A" - West Grove #1. |
40-83 | 9-19-83 | Reserve "C" West Grove #1. |
45-83 | 11-7-83 | West Grove #3. |
14-84 | 3-5-84 | Meadow Grove #2. |
21-84 | 4-2-84 | Indian Trails East. |
15-84 | 5-21-84 | Park Place #1 (Portion of Parkmead Drive). |
41-84 | 7-16-84 | Meadow Grove #3. |
51-84 | 8-6-84 | Keller Farms, Phase 1. |
15-85 | 3-18-85 | Park Place #2. |
31-85 | 5-20-85 | West Grove North, Sec. #1. |
51-85 | 8-19-85 | Keller Farms Sec. #2. |
57-85 | 8-19-85 | Stoner #7. |
73-85 | 11-18-85 | Walden Bluffs. |
18-86 | 4-21-86 | West Grove North #2. |
38-86 | 6-16-86 | Bob Evans Farms Subdivision. |
41-86 | 7-21-86 | Extension of Enterprise Parkway. |
43-86 | 7-21-86 | Keller Farms #3. |
60-86 | 9-15-86 | Keller Farms #4. |
75-86 | 11-17-86 | Part of Reserve "A" Tanglebrook Subdivision. |
12-87 | 3-16-87 | Meadow Grove #4. |
30-87 | 4-6-87 | McDowell Road - South of Stringtown. |
29-87 | 4-20-87 | West Grove North #3. |
40-87 | 6-15-87 | Keller Farms #5. |
50-87 | 7-20-87 | Plat of Parkmead Drive north from Stringtown. |
52-87 | 7-20-87 | Plat of extension of Enterprise Parkway. |
60-87 | 8-3-87 | Parkridge Drive Extension N. |
90-87 | 11-2-87 | Annabelle Robinson Subdivision. |
97-87 | 12-7-87 | Meadowgrove #5. |
34-88 | 5-16-88 | Deerfield Lands #1. |
35-88 | 5-16-88 | Red Bird Place Subdivision. |
64-88 | 7-5-88 | Keller Farms East #1. |
74-88 | 8-15-88 | SouthPark Subdivision. |
90-88 | 9-19-88 | Meadow Grove #6. |
91-88 | 9-19-88 | Deerfield Lands #2. |
104-88 | 10-3-88 | West Grove North #4. |
112-88 | 12-5-88 | Briarwood Hills #6. |
130-88 | 1-16-89 | Kay Robinson Subdivision - White Road. |
C2-89 | 2-6-89 | Farmbrook #1. |
C25-89 | 4-17-89 | Deerfield Lands #1; repeals Ords. 34-88 and 91-88. |
C35-89 | 5-15-89 | Westgrove #4. |
C89-89 | 10-16-89 | Keller Farm East #2. |
C101-89 | 11-6-89 | Amends Ord. 130-88. |
C30-90 | 3-19-90 | Amends Ord. C-90-87. |
C47-90 | 6-4-90 | Meadow Grove #8. |
C80-90 | 9-17-90 | Meadow Grove East, Section 1. |
C34-91 | 6-3-91 | Hoover Crossing. |
C35-91 | 5-29-91 | Indian Trails, Section 6. |
C64-91 | 9-3-91 | Amends plat of Indian Trails, Sec. 6 to require 30 foot front setbacks. |
C66-91 | 10-21-91 | Hawthorne Woods North, Section 1 (Indian Trails). |
C6-92 | 2-17-92 | Hawthorne Woods North, Section 2 (Indian Trails). |
C19-92 | 3-16-92 | Meadow Grove, Section 7. |
C20-92 | 3-16-92 | Meadow Grove East, Section 2. |
C21-92 | 3-16-92 | Crossing at Grant Run, Section 1 (Indian Trails). |
C22-92 | 3-16-92 | Simsbury Walk (corner of Home & Hoover Rds.). |
C23-92 | 4-20-92 | Hoover Crossing, Section 2 |
C33-92 | 5-4-92 | Home Road (renamed from Scots Drive). |
C48-92 | 6-15-92 | Indian Trails, Section 7 (River Trails Drive). |
C54-92 | 6-15-92 | Briarwood Hills, Section 7 |
C58-92 | 7-20-92 | Meadow Grove, Section 9 |
C59-92 | 7-6-92 | Stringtown Connection, Reserve A (B.J. Roach) |
C67-92 | 7-20-92 | Woodfield Oaks Subdivision |
C70-92 | 8-17-92 | Hoover Crossing, Section 3. |
C72-92 | 8-17-92 | Dedication of Lewis Center Way. |
C84-92 | 9-21-92 | Meadow Grove East, Section 3. |
C30-93 | 4-19-93 | Meadow Grove, Section 10. |
C32-93 | 4-19-93 | Hoover Crossing, Section 4. |
C38-93 | 5-17-93 | Quail Creek, Section 1. |
C52-93 | 6-21-93 | Elginfield, Section 1. |
C53-93 | 6-21-93 | Dedication of Hoover Road and Quail Creek Boulevard. |
C54-93 | 6-7-93 | Ziner Farm Subdivision. |
C62-93 | 7-6-93 | Dedication of Justus Road Extension. |
C67-93 | 8-16-93 | Indian Trails, Section 8. |
C68-93 | 8-16-93 | Briarwood Hills, Section 8. |
C83-93 | 10-18-93 | Rush Creek Subdivision. |
C84-93 | 10-18-93 | Dedication of Demorest Road Extension. |
C9-94 | 2-22-94 | Hoover Crossing, Section 5. |
C36-94 | 5-16-94 | Meadow Grove East, Section 4. |
C43-94 | 6-20-94 | Tanglebrook, Reserve "B". |
C51-94 | 6-18-94 | Grove City Health Care and Professional Park. |
C8-95 | 3-20-95 | Briarwood Hills, Section 9. |
C9-95 | 3-20-95 | Quail Creek, Section 2. |
C10-95 | 3-20-95 | Dedication of Hennigans Lane. |
C19-95 | 4-17-95 | Dedication of Southpark Place Extension |
C20-95 | 4-17-95 | Martha's Wood Subdivision. |
C23-95 | 5-1-95 | Hoover Crossing, Section 6. |
C24-95 | 5-1-95 | Elginfield, Section 2. |
C32-95 | 6-5-95 | Park Square, n/e corner of Stringtown & McDowell |
C33-95 | 6-19-95 | Concord Lakes, Section 1, Phase 1 |
C34-95 | 6-19-95 | Concord Lakes, Section 1/Phase 2 |
C42-95 | 8-07-95 | Hoover Park, Section 2/Phase 1 |
C43-95 | 8-07-95 | Hoover Park, Section 2/Phase 2 |
C52-95 | 8-21-95 | Plat - Home Rd. and Lewis Centre Way Dedication |
C13-96 | 3-18-96 | Plat - Capital Park South, westerly terminus of Justus Rd. |
C14-96 | 3-18-96 | Plat - Seeds Rd./665 Subdivision, SE corner of Seeds & 665. |
C15-96 | 3-18-96 | Plat - Meadowgrove South, Section 1, btw. Meadowgrove & Quail Creek. |
C16-96 | 3-18-96 | Plat - Indian Trails, Section 9, North of 665 & adjacent to Indian Trails 6, 7 & 8. |
C32-96 | 5-6-96 | Plat - Scioto Meadows, Sec. 1, N of 665 & E of 104. |
C55-96 | 8-5-96 | Plat - Gateway Business Park, North Meadows Drive, N of S.R. 665. |
C61-96 | 8-19-96 | Plat - Meadow Grove Section 11, W of Forest Glen Drive. |
C65-96 | 8-19-96 | Plat - Scioto Meadows, Section 1. |
C81-96 | 9-16-96 | Plat - Quail Creek, Section 4. |
C85-96 | 10-21-96 | Plat - Concord Lakes, Section 2, S of Big Run Rd., E of Holt Rd. |
C100-96 | 12-16-96 | Plat - Quail Creek Section 3, E of Hoover Rd., N of S.R. 665. |
C12-97 | 3-3-97 | Plat - Scioto Meadows, Section 2. |
C15-97 | 3-3-97 | Rescind Ord. C-62-96, Plat for Scioto Meadows Sec. 1, Parts 1, 2, 3. |
C16-97 | 3-3-97 | Plat - Scioto Meadows, Section 1 - Part 1, 2, 3. |
C24-97 | 5-19-97 | Plat - Meadow Grove South, Section 2; between Meadow Grove and Quail Creek Subdivisions. |
C32-97 | 6-16-97 | Plat - Indian Trails, Section 10, north of S.R. 665 at Zuber Rd. |
C33-97 | 6-16-97 | Plat - Indian Trails, Section 11, north of S.R. 665 at Zuber Rd. |
C53-97 | 9-15-97 | Plat - Concord Lakes, Section 1 - Phase 3, located on the south side of Big Run Road south and east of Holt Road. |
C54-97 | 9-15-97 | Plat - Concord Lakes, Section 3, located on the south side of Big Run Road south and east of Holt Road. |
C10-98 | 3-16-98 | Plat - Broadway Commercial Center located on U.S. Route 62. |
C37-98 | 5-18-98 | Plat - Quail Creek Boulevard right-of-way, east of Quail Creek, Section 4 and granting easements. |
C41-98 | 6-1-98 | Plat - resubdivision of Lots 61 to 66 inclusive, Meadow Grove South, Section 2. |
C45-98 | 6-15-98 | Plat - Concord Lakes, Section 4 located east of Holt Road and South of Big Run Road. |
C59-98 | 8-20-98 | Plat - Meadow Grove South Section 3 located east of Grant Run and north of Borror Road. |
C65-98 | 9-21-98 | Plat - Buckeye Grove Shopping Center located on the northwest corner of Hoover Road and S.R. 665. |
C67-98 | 9-21-98 | Plat - Gateway Circle and part of Marlane Drive. |
C21-99 | 5-17-99 | Plat - Meadow Grove South, Section 4 located east of Mayflower Circle and north or Borror Road. |
C22-99 | 5-17-99 | Plat - Scioto Meadows, Section 3 located east of Hibbs Road and north of S.R. 665. |
C30-99 | 6-7-99 | Plat - Hoover Crossing, Section 7 located east of Haughn Road and south of Hoover Crossing, Section 5. |
C34-99 | 7-6-99 | Plat - Creekside, Section 1 located north of Holton Road and east of Hoover Road. |
C69-99 | 9-20-99 | Plat - Hoover Park, Section 3 located west of Haughn Road and south of Casa. |
C70-99 | 9-20-99 | Plat - Hoover Park, Section 4 located west of Haughn Road and south of Casa. |
C76-99 | 10-4-99 | Plat - Grove City Industrial Park, Section 3. |
C88-99 | 12-6-99 | Plat - Capital Park South, Section 2 and resubdivision of Lots 5 and 6 of “Capital Park South” subdivision located on Lewis Centre Way and Urbancrest Industrial Drive. |
C7-00 | 2-22-00 | Plat - Scioto Meadows, Section 2A located north of West River Drive. |
C13-00 | 3-6-00 | Plat - Meadow Grove South, Section 5 located north of Borror Road and east of Grant Run. |
C19-00 | 3-20-00 | Plat - Hennigan’s Grove, Phase 1, Section 1 located north of Hibbs Road. |
C62-00 | 8-21-00 | Plat - Gateway Business Park - West Campus, Phase 1 located on S.R. 665. |
C71-00 | 9-5-00 | Plat - Hennigan’s Grove, Phase 1, Section 2 located north of Hibbs Road. |
C72-00 | 9-5-00 | Plat - Hennigan’s Grove, Phase 2, Section 1 located north of Hibbs Road. |
C74-00 | 9-18-00 | Plat - Hoover Park, Section 5 located west of Hoover Road. |
C76-00 | 9-18-00 | Plat - Concord Lakes, Section 5 located east of Holt Road. |
C91-00 | 11-20-00 | Plat - Amended plat of Concord Lakes, Section 4 located east of Holt Road and south of Big Run Road. |
C102-00 | 12-18-00 | Plat - Grant Run Estates, Section 1 located south of Borror Road. |
C1-01 | 1-16-01 | Plat - Creekside, Section 2 located north of Holton Road and west of Buckeye Parkway. |
C20-01 | 4-2-01 | Plat - Hennigan’s Grove, Phase 2, Section 2. |
C45-01 | 7-16-01 | Hoover Park, Section 6, Parts 1. |
C46-01 | 9-4-01 | Hoover Park, Section 6, Part 2. |
C48-01 | 8-6-01 | Quail Creek, Section 5. |
C57-01 | 9-17-01 | Plat - Grant Run Estates, Section 2 located south of Borror Road. |
C-81-01 | 11-19-01 | Hoover Crossing, Section 8 |
C18-02 | 3-18-02 | Plat - Hennigan's Grove South located north of Hibbs Road. |
C49-02 | 5-6-02 | Replat - Hennigan's Grove Phase Two, Section One, located north of Hibbs Road. |
C65-02 | 7-1-02 | Plat - Creekside, Section 3. |
C81-02 | 9-3-02 | Meadow Grove South Section 6, Rockford Homes. |
C82-02 | 9-3-02 | Meadow Grove South Section 7, Rockford Homes. |
C5-03 | 2-18-03 | Plat - Grant Run Estates located south and east of Borror Road. |
C35-03 | 5-5-03 | Plat - Claybrooke Crossing, Section 1, located west of Haughn Road. |
C48-03 | 6-16-03 | Plat - Creekside, Section 4, located north of Holton Road and east of I-71. |
C49-03 | 6-16-03 | Plat - Pine Grove, Section 1, Phase 1, located at the northeast corner of Demorest and Big Run Roads. |
C50-03 | 6-16-03 | Plat - Pine Grove, Section 1, Phase 2, located at the northeast corner of Demorest and Big Run Roads. |
C106-03 | 12-1-03 | Plat - Claybrooke Crossing, Section 2, located east of Haughn Road. |
C107-03 | 12-1-03 | Plat - Claybrooke Crossing, Section 4, located north of Orders Road. |
C108-03 | 12-1-03 | Plat - Hoover Park, Section 7, Part 1, located east of Broadway. |
C109-03 | 12-1-03 | Plat - Hoover Park, Section 7, Part 2, located east of Broadway. |
C110-03 | 12-1-03 | Plat - Hoover Crossing, Section 9, Part 1, located south of Longridge Way. |
C111-03 | 12-1-03 | Plat - Hoover Crossing, Section 9, Part 2, located north of Longridge Way. |
C116-03 | 12-15-03 | Plat - Buckeye Parkway, Buckeye Place, Lamplighter Drive and Parkway Centre Drive dedication and easements. |
C10-04 | 2-17-04 | Concord Park, Section 1, located at the northeast corner of Holt and GC Roads. |
C33-04 | 4-19-04 | Holton Run, Section 1, located east of Broadway. |
C34-04 | 4-19-04 | Grant Run Estates, Section 4, Part 1. |
C35-04 | 4-19-04 | Creekside, Section 6. |
C43-04 | 5-17-04 | Grant Run Estates, Section 4, Part 2. |
C47-04 | 6-7-04 | Margie’s Cove, Section 1, located on the northwest corner of Hoover and Orders Road. |
C51-04 | 6-21-04 | Claybrooke Crossing, Section 3, located west of Haughn Road and north of Orders Road. |
C52-04 | 6-21-04 | Buckeye Parkway, Jackson Pike and Pinnacle Club Drive dedication and easements. |
C58-04 | 7-6-04 | Ledgestone at Indian Trails, located north of State Route 665 and west of Buckeye Parkway. |
C68-04 | 8-16-04 | Meadow Grove Estates, Section 1, located north of Borror Road and east of Coneflower Drive. |
C69-04 | 8-16-04 | Meadow Grove Estates, Section 2, located north of Borror Road and east of Coneflower Drive. |
C83-04 | 9-20-04 | Pinnacle Club, Section 1, Phase 1. |
C84-04 | 9-20-04 | Pinnacle Club, Section 1, Phase 2. |
C105-04 | 12-6-04 | Pinnacle Club, Section 2, Part 1, located south of White Road. |
C106-04 | 12-6-04 | Pinnacle Club, Section 2, Part 2, located south of White Road. |
C12-05 | 2-22-05 | Plat - Plum Run Crossing, NE corner of Seeds and Zuber Rds. |
C29-05 | 4-4-05 | Replat of Creekside, Section 6. |
C38-05 | 4-18-05 | Plat - Margies Cove, Section 6. |
C39-05 | 4-18-05 | Plat - Holton Run, Section 2. |
C40-05 | 4-18-05 | Plat - Holton Run, Section 3. |
C41-05 | 4-18-05 | Plat - Pinnacle Club, Section 3. |
C42-05 | 4-18-05 | Plat - Pinnacle Club, Section 4. |
C43-05 | 4-18-05 | Plat - Pinnacle Club, Section 5. |
C44-05 | 4-18-05 | Plat - Concord Park, Section 2. |
C52-05 | 5-2-05 | Plat - Gateway Business Park Resubdivision of Lot 2, ded. of Meadow Pond Ct. |
C59-05 | 6-20-05 | Plat - Creekside, Section 7. |
C79-05 | 8-15-05 | Plat - Autumn Grove, Section 1. |
C99-05 | 10-3-05 | Plat - Pinnacle Section 2, Phase 2. |
C20-06 | 4-17-06 | Plat - Autumn Grove, Section Rensch Road. |
C46-06 | 7-17-06 | Replat - Pinnacle Club, Section 1, Phase 2. |
C47-06 | 7-17-06 | Plat - Pinnacle Club, Section 6, Part 1 - 1535 White Rd. |
C48-06 | 7-17-06 | Plat - Pinnacle Club, Section 6, Part 2 - 1535 White Rd. |
C60-07 | 8-6-07 | Plat - Meadow Grove Estates North, Section 1. |
C67-07 | 8-20-07 | Resubdivision of Reserve B of Hoover Crossing, Section 1. |
C60-08 | 6-2-08 | Plat - Claybrook Crossing, Section 5, Part 1. |
C88-09 | 11-16-09 | Plat - Meadow Grove South, Section 8. |
C07-10 | 2-16-10 | Plat - Pinnacle Club, Section 2, Phase 4. |
C08-10 | 2-16-10 | Plat - Pinnacle Club, Section 2, Phase 5. |
C16-10 | 4-5-10 | Plat - Pinnacle Club, Section 6, Part 1. |
C65-10 | 11-1-10 | Plat - Pinnacle Club, Section 6, Part 3, Phase A, Pinnacle Club Drive. |
C67-10 | 12-6-10 | Plat - Creative Housing XIII, Lamplighter Drive. |
C42-11 | 9-5-11 | Plat - Pinnacle Club Section 6, Part 2 - White Road. |
C25-12 | 6-4-12 | Plat - Claybrook Crossing, Section 5, Part 2. |
C26-12 | 6-4-12 | Plat - Pinnacle Club, Section 3 - resubdivision of Lots 404 - 425 & reserve “AA”. |
C32-12 | 7-16-12 | Plat - Pinnacle Club Section 2, Phase 6. |
C52-12 | 10-1-12 | Plat - Pinnacle Club Section 6, Part 3, Phase B. |
C69-12 | 12-3-12 | Plat - Lamplighter Drive located east of Buckeye Parkway and south of Stringtown Road. |
C76-12 | 1-7-13 | Plat - Pinnacle Club, Section 6, Part 4 located at 1535 White Road. |
C23-13 | 4-15-13 | Improvements - North Meadows Drive Part 2 widening and extension improvements. |
C26-13 | 5-6-13 | Plat - partial resubdivision of Parkway Centre Drive and Stringtown Road Grove City, LLC. |
C41-13 | 7-1-13 | Plat - Pinnacle Club Section 2, Phase 7. |
C54-13 | 8-19-13 | Plat - Change the name of a plat from the partial resubdivision of Parkway Centre Drive and Stringtown Road Grove City, LLC to The Shoppes at Parkway Centre West. |
C76-13 | 12-2-13 | Plat - Meadow Grove Estates Section 3, Part 1. |
C77-13 | 12-2-13 | Plat - Meadow Grove Estates Section 4, Phase A. |
C19-14 | 5-5-14 | Plat - Pinnacle Club Section 2, Phase 8. |
C20-14 | 5-5-14 | Plat - Autumn Grove Section 2. |
C26-14 | 6-2-14 | Plat - Meadow Grove Estates Section 3, Part 2. |
C27-14 | 6-2-14 | Plat - Margie’s Cove Section 2, Part 3. |
C71-14 | 12-15-14 | Plat - Harrisburg Pike, Columbus Street and alley located at 3959 - 3963 Broadway. |
C43-15 | 8-3-15 | Plat - Meadow Grove Estates North, Section 3. |
C57-15 | 9-8-15 | Plat - Claybrook Crossing, Section 6, Part 1. |
C58-15 | 9-8-15 | Plat - Margie’s Cove, Section 2, Part 2. |
C76-15 | 10-5-15 | Plat - Pinnacle Club, Section 2, Phase 9. |
C82-15 | 11-2-15 | Plat - The Woods at Pinnacle. |
C39-16 | 5-2-16 | Plat - Mount Carmel Health System Grove City Hospital. |
C23-17 | 6-5-17 | Plat - Meadow Grove Estates North, Section 2. |
C61-17 | 12-4-17 | Plat - Becknell Southpark Place. |
C70-17 | 1-2-18 | Plat - Holton Run, Section 6. |
C18-18 | 4-2-18 | Plat - Meadow Grove Estates North, Section 7, Phase A. |
C19-18 | 4-2-18 | Plat - Meadow Grove Estates North, Section 8. |
C67-18 | 1-7-19 | Plat - Autumn Grove, Section 3. |
C32-19 | 7-15-19 | Plat - Scotch Woods Drive and Piper Court, Meadow Grove Estates North. |
C56-19 | 11-4-19 | Plat - Beulah Park, Section 1. |
C62-19 | 11-18-19 | Plat - Farmstead, Phase 1, 104 and Hibbs. |
C03-20 | 2-3-20 | Courtyards at Beulah Park. |
C18-20 | 6-1-20 | Plat - Meadow Grove Estates, Section 4 and 6A. |
C34-20 | 8-3-20 | Autumn Grove, Section 4. |
C55-20 | 11-2-20 | Plat - Hidden Meadows, east of Broadway and south of Demorest Drive. |
C56-20 | 11-2-20 | Plat - Trail View Run, Phase 3B, north of Borror Road east of Buckeye Parkway. |
C04-21 | 2-16-21 | Plat - Cottages at Brown’s Farm, Section 1, 5236 Haughn Road. |
C16-21 | 5-3-21 | Plat - Meadow Grove Estates North Section 6B. |
C17-21 | 5-3-21 | Plat - Farmstead Subarea H, Phase 1. |
C23-21 | 6-7-21 | Plat - The Cottages at Browns Farm, Section 2. |
C29-21 | 7-6-21 | Plat - Farmstead Subarea H, Phase 2. |
C38-21 | 8-2-21 | Plat - Farmstead, Phase 3 - SR 104 and Hibbs. |
C39-21 | 8-2-21 | Plat - Farmstead, Phase 4 - SR 104 and Hibbs. |
C40-21 | 8-2-21 | Plat - Trail View Run, Phase 3a - Bkwy Pkwy and Borror. |
C43-21 | 9-7-21 | Plat - Beulah Park, Section 2. |
C53-21 | 10-4-21 | Plat - Pinnacle Quarry, Section 1 - White and SR 104. |
C62-21 | 12-6-21 | Plat - Pinnacle Quarry, Section 2. |
C77-21 | 1-3-22 | Plat - Beulah Park, Section 2 - multi-family dev. |
C10-22 | 3-7-22 | Plat - Pinnacle Quarry, Section 3 - White Road. |
C11-22 | 3-7-22 | Plat - Farmstead, Phase 5 - SR 104. |
C18-22 | 4-4-22 | Plat - Meadow Grove Estates, Section 9. |
C19-22 | 4-4-22 | Plat - Farmstead Subarea H, Phase 3. |
C25-22 | 5-2-22 | Plat - Farmstead, Phase 5A. |
C53-22 | 9-6-22 | Plat - Autumn Grove, Section 5. |