The applicability of this chapter shall govern all developments and redevelopments within the City; however it does not alleviate the requirement for permits from state and federal agencies. The following exceptions from the peak flow rate controls of Section 971.06 are as follows:
   (a)   Single-family residential lot not part of a larger common development or sale;
   (b)   Two, three, or four unit multi-family structure not part of a larger common development or sale:
   (c)   Managed open space associated with parks, golf courses, cemeteries, and other similar land uses including associated paved trails and roadways needed for the function of the land use;
   (d)   Existing public right-of-way improvements including minor road widening increase in impervious area, and bridge crossings;
   (e)   Linear utility line installations;
   (f)   Land preparation for agricultural crops, orchards, woodlots, sod farms, and nursery operations;
   (g)   Land grading or leveling for erosion control under direction of the local soil conservation district;
   (h)   Land subdivisions for residential purposes with a minimum lot size of five acres; development shall be designed to have capacity and depth, including sufficient invert elevations to permit future connections, to serve that total tributary area up to the 100-year storm frequency. The system for the upstream tributary area shall be extended through the development.
   (i)   Developments with less than one acre of disturbance as long as the following requiremnts have been complied with:
      (1)   Land uses and developments which increase runoff rate or volume shall control the discharge rate of runoff prior to its release to off-site land or the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4).
      (2)   It is the responsibility of the property owner to not change or alter any drainage course, ditch, flood routing path or drainage system on the property that will cause increased runoff, or will damage or cause flooding to adjacent, upstream or downstream property owners.
      (3)   All stormwater drainage systems, including conveyances, within a development shall be designed to have capacity and depth, including sufficient invert elevations to permit future connections, to serve that total tributary area up to the 100-year storm frequency. The system for the upstream tributary are shall be extended through the development.
      (4)   All proposed developments with a runoff rate greater than that which the downstream system has capacity for, or will be designed for, will be required to control the rate of stormwater discharge.
      (5)   Any site improvement plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to the commencement of work at any proposed development site.
      (6)   All information necessary shall be submitted to the City to determine how stormwater runoff should be controlled within the development prior to its release to downstream properties. The tributary area and the upstream watersheds should be determined using natural land divides unless man-made alterations are approved by the City's Engineer as the basis for watershed delineations.
   (j)   Properly permitted environmental restoration projects including wetlands, stream restoration, and other related activities.
   (k)   Developments within previously approved stormwater master plans.
(Ord. C56-15. Passed 9-8-15.)