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(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.236 [1])
   1.   Fifteen Minute Parking. It is unlawful to park any vehicle for a continuous period of more than fifteen minutes upon the following designated streets:
      A.   Fifth Avenue, on both sides, in the two (2) spaces east of Broad Street.
      B.   Broad Street, on the east side, in the seven (7) spaces south of Fifth Avenue.
      C.   In the parking located on the west side of the City Hall, on the east side of the parking lot, beginning with the first space south of the handicap parking including a total of six parking spaces.
   2.   One Hour Parking. It is unlawful to park any vehicle for a continuous period of more than one hour upon the following designated parking lot:
      A.   In the parking lot located on the west side of City Hall on the west side of the parking lot the first two parking spaces south of the Spaulding Loft West driveway.
   3.   Twenty-four Hour Parking. On all streets and municipal parking lots, which are not signed otherwise, it is unlawful to park any vehicle for a continuous period of more than twenty-four hours. Provided, however, the provisions of this subsection do not apply to the following locations.
      A.   The west and south sides of the municipal parking lot at the 700 block of Fourth Avenue.
      B.   The south side of the municipal parking lot at the 1000 block of West Street.
      C.   The spaces located on either side of the east driveway of the municipal parking lot at the 800 block of Commercial Street.
(Ord. 1435 - Dec. 17 Supp.)