§ 30.14  ORDINANCES.
   (A)   Procedure, form, publication. Every ordinance amending or repealing any ordinance and every new ordinance shall be proposed in writing and shall be approved as to form by the town attorney. Ordinances shall have ordinance numbers and section captions.
   (B)   Ordinances confined to one subject. All ordinances shall be confined to one subject, except appropriation ordinances, which shall be confined to the subject of appropriations only.
   (C)   Effective date. All ordinances shall be effective after the ratification thereof, except ordinances specifying some other effective date or ordinances required by state law to be effective only after having met specific date requirements.
   (D)   Official copy. A true copy of an ordinance, which has been duly enacted by the Board, signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the Clerk, shall be known as an official copy of any ordinance for the town. All ordinances or a true copy thereof, shall be appropriately codified into this code.
   (E)   Ordinance book. The Clerk shall file a true copy of each ordinance, until it is codified in this code, in an ordinance book separate and apart from the Board’s minute book. The ordinance book shall be appropriately indexed and maintained for public inspection in the office of the Clerk.
   (F)   Ordinances adding to code. Any ordinance which is proposed to add to the code a new chapter, subchapter, section or division shall indicate, with reference to the arrangement of this code, the proper number of the chapter, subchapter, section or division.
   (G)   Improper amending void. It shall be unlawful for members of the Board to annul, abridge, modify or in any way change any ordinance of the Board except at a regular or special meeting of the Board.
(1991 Code, Title II, § 14)  Penalty, see § 10.99