(A)   All water bills shall become due the first of the month after the reading of the water meter, and if not paid on or before the fifteenth of the month, the discount of 10% will be lost and the amount will be added to the bill. A service charge of 1½% per month will be added to any unpaid balance due.
   (B)   If payment plus the forfeiture amount of the discount is not received by the twentieth of the month, the following will occur: the water consumer will receive a written notice that service will be discontinued 30 days from the date of the dated notice unless:
      (1)   The bill is paid in full; or
      (2)   The consumer makes a partial payment of at least 25% of the bill and enters into a written agreement to pay the balance in 3-months' time.
   (C)   If the water consumer disputes the bill, he or she may file a written complaint with the City Council, service will be continued until the appeal is heard. Service will be continued for a single 30-day period upon receipt of a physician’s certificate or notice from a public health or social services official that disconnection of utility service will aggravate an existing medical emergency.
(Prior Code, § 13.04.080)  (Ord. 73, passed - -1984)