§ 94.04  BUILDINGS.
   (A)   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      COMMERCIAL-TYPE BUILDING.  Any building or structure used or designed for making profits or mass appeal of people.
      RESIDENTIAL-TYPE BUILDING.  Any building or structure used as a personal residence being occupied by a single person or a family.
   (B)   Within the limits of the fire district of the city, no person shall erect or establish or cause to be established, by removal or otherwise, any commercial use type building or addition to commercial building unless the commercial building or addition to building is made of materials that will have a 1-hour fire rating as stated in the Uniform Builders Code Book.
   (C)   All residential use type buildings located in the fire limits shall have a minimum of 10 feet in distance between all other buildings or structures.
(Prior Code, § 8.14.040)  (Ord. 98, passed - -1992)  Penalty, see § 94.99