Sec. 6-509 Hotel License Revocation.
   (a)   The Board of Public Works and Safety shall set a revocation hearing for a hotel license of a hotel operating during a probationary period if the calls for service ratio is at or above 2.0 over any one (1) year period after entering probation, and the Police Chief, shall forwards a report to the Board of Public Works and Safety to revoke the license unless in his/her determination exigent/exceptional circumstances exist.
   (b)   The Board of Public Works and Safety may not revoke a hotel license without first holding a hearing to investigate and examine the qualification and conduct of the hotel licensee. The hearing, and notice of hearing, shall be conducted pursuant to Section 6-510 of this Article.
   (c)   If a hotel license is revoked, the owner of the property is prohibited from furnishing guest rooms or rented space to new guests and must cease operations within thirty (30) days of a final decision, during which time the hotel or motel must:
      (1)   Notify all guests of the hotel’s cessation of operation;
      (2)   Provide a reasonable amount of time for guests to vacate their guest rooms, which shall be no less than one (1) week (if so requested by a guest);
      (3)   Comply with all laws and health codes until all guests have vacated the property;
      (4)   Allow the City or any partnering organizations to contact current guests directly, in order to provide information regarding potential alternative housing options;
      (5)   Allow for a final inspection to ensure full compliance with this Section.
   (d)   After revocation, a hotel license shall not be renewed or reissued. A new hotel license shall not be issued for a hotel to be conducted by or for the same hotel licensee on any premises within six (6) months after the revocation in the same hotel licensee has a financial interest in the business. (Ord. 19-21, § 2, 9-16-19)