Sec. 6-310 Rebates.
   The Board of Public Works and Safety or its designee is authorized to rebate to residential users the amount of fees which would otherwise be due when the user will not be in the residence to use the service for a period of at least one (1) full calendar month during any calendar year, and all of the following have occurred:
   (a)   The residential user has notified the appropriate authority at least seven (7) days in advance of the period when service will not be needed, or good cause exists to waive the seven (7) day requirement, as determined by the Board of Public Works and Safety or its designee; and
   (b)   A claim or other appropriate written request has been presented to the appropriate authority for approval.
   Any such rebate granted by the appropriate authority shall be shown as a credit upon the next bill owed by the residential user. (Ord. 92-44, § 6, 8-31-92; Ord. 97-12, § 3, 4-21-97)