Sec. 4-138 Driver Conduct.
   (a)   A driver shall not engage in the following conduct while driving a taxicab on the streets of the City:
      (1)   Make any offensive gesture or display that tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace;
      (2)   Create by chemical means any noxious and unreasonable odor;
      (3)   Threaten another person with physical harm;
      (4)   Fight with another person; or
      (5)   Engage in conduct that constitutes a violation of federal, state or local laws.
   (b)   Refusal to carry orderly passengers. No driver shall refuse or neglect to carry any orderly person(s) upon request, for reasons of race, color, ethnic background, gender, age, religion, disability or unless unable or forbidden by provision of this Division to do so. A driver shall not be required to carry disorderly, violent, or abusive person(s).
   (c)   Overcapacity. No driver shall allow more persons to be carried in a taxicab than the seating capacity of the vehicle, including the driver.
   (d)   Receipt. Upon passenger request, a driver shall provide a receipt showing the company's name, driver's name, date, origin, destination, length of trip, and the total fare charged. (Ord. 13-42, § 1, 9-4-13)