Sec. 4-137 Vehicle Condition.
   (a)   Exterior conditions.
      (1)   All taxicab vehicles shall have the body of a sedan or other enclosed vehicle type and shall not be of less than four (4) passenger capacity.
      (2)   All exterior paint work shall be maintained in good conditions, free of substantial scratches, chips and abrasions.
      (3)   All doors must have operating handles that allow opening from both the inside and outside. Handles, knobs and arm rests are to be free of breaks and must be securely mounted.
      (4)   All suspension components affecting the ride and safety of vehicles shall be maintained such that they comply with the manufacturer's specifications.
      (5)   All windshield and window glass shall be maintained free from cracks, scratches, pitting, abrasions or any other condition that reduces clarity of vision.
   (b)   Interior conditions.
      (1)   Seat covers shall be permanently attached or fixed to the seats of the vehicle and have no exposed wire or sharp edges either from metal or hardened vinyl. No broken springs, sagging or horizontal slippage is allowable in either seat.
      (2)   Seat belts are to be in operating condition and easily accessible by all passengers. All taxicabs shall be equipped with a number of seatbelts equal to the passenger capacity of the vehicle.
      (3)   Every permit holder shall ensure that the interior of all taxicabs under his franchise are maintained at all times in a reasonable, clean condition.
   (c)   Taximeter. Each taxicab shall be equipped with a taximeter. The use of any inaccurate taximeter or other measuring instrument for the purpose of gauging is hereby prohibited. It shall be the duty of the owner or operator of any taximeter to keep said taximeter accurate. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a taxicab without an operating accurate taximeter. Every taximeter shall be placed in the taxicab so that the reading dial showing the amount to be charged is readily discernible to passengers.
   (d)   Radio. All taxicabs shall be equipped with two-way radios or comparable communication devices such that office dispatchers may immediately and effectively notify drivers of requests for service.
   (e)   Safety equipment. All taxicabs shall be equipped with a fire extinguisher, flares and a first aid kit. No franchisee shall permit the operation of a vehicle without said safety equipment, violation of which shall subject owner to a fine. (Ord. 13-42, § 1, 9-4-13)