1460.08 CHIMNEYS.
   All new chimneys hereafter constructed shall be built of brick, stone or reinforced concrete. No masonry chimney shall have walls less than eight inches thick, unless it is lined with well burned terra cotta or fireclay chimney tile set in Portland cement, in which case the walls shall not be less than four inches thick. The lining shall be continuous from the bottom of the flue to its extreme length. No chimney shall be corbeled out more than eight inches from a brick wall, and such corbeling shall consist of at least five courses of brick. Brick set on edge shall not be permitted in chimney construction. All chimneys shall project at least three feet above the point of contact of a flat roof, or two feet above the ridge of a pitched roof. Only Portland cement mortar shall be used in the construction of chimneys. No chimney in any building shall have wooden supports of any kind. Supports shall be of incombustible material and shall rest upon the ground or foundation. Except as provided in this chapter, all chimneys hereafter altered or rebuilt shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner, to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector or other designated official.