The fire limits of the Village are hereby established as follows: Beginning at a point in the center of Main Street directly north of the northeast corner if Inlot No. 64 and running along the east line of Inlot No. 64 to the southeast corner thereof; thence west parallel with the center of Main Street to the southwest corner of Inlot No. 9; thence northwest to a point where the center of North Railroad Street intersects the center of Main Street; thence along the center of North Railroad Street to a point where the center of North Railroad Street intersects the center of Townsend Street; thence south in the center of Townsend Street to a point where the center of Tilton Street intersects the center of Townsend Street; thence east to a point directly north of the east line of Inlot No. 149; thence south along the east line of Inlot Nos. 149 and 86 to the center of Main Street to the place of beginning.
(Ord. 252. Passed 1-8-17.)