(a)   All motor vehicle traffic within Reservoir Lake Park shall be one way, from north to south, through the Park.
(Ord. 417. Passed 6-20-58.)
   (b)   No person shall operate a motor vehicle in and upon such Park at a speed greater or less than is reasonable and proper, having due regard for the traffic, the pavement surface and any other condition then existing, and no person shall drive any motor vehicle in and upon such Park at a greater speed than will permit him or her to bring it to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead.
   (c)   It shall be prima-facie unlawful for the operator of a motor vehicle to operate such vehicle at a speed in excess of fifteen miles per hour in and upon such Park.
   (d)   Every operator of a vehicle shall bring his or her vehicle to a stop at the exits provided at such Park before entering onto streets adjacent thereto.
   (e)   The Chief of Police is hereby directed to erect appropriate stop signs and speed limit signs in accordance with this section.