(a)   All public sidewalks constructed in the Village shall be of concrete not less than four inches in thickness of concrete mixture; one of cement, two of sand, three of stone. No sidewalk in the Village shall be constructed in whole, or in part, of brick, without a written waiver from the Sidewalk Commission. Portions of walks used as a driveway surface for vehicular traffic, and sidewalks in business districts shall be not less than six inches thick of concrete or asphalt, at the discretion of the Sidewalk Commission. A four inch granular base is required prior to pouring a sidewalk. Such shall be either stone or gravel. If the assessed valuation of any property abutting any sidewalk ordered is insufficient to pay the cost of the same, under the limitations provided by the Ohio Revised Code, Council may order the sidewalks be constructed or assessed against the abutting property for the construction of the same.
   (b)   New or replaced sidewalks shall be a minimum width of four feet, with replacement sidewalks conforming to the adjacent sidewalk which may be a width greater, but not less than the four foot minimum width. Sidewalks shall be constructed with Portland cement concrete, which shall contain six percent minimum cubic yards and a three maximum slump.
   (c)   All concrete shall be placed in one course and finished with a wood float, steel trowel edging and joints.
   (d)   Expansion joints shall be placed wherever new concrete touches existing construction and at thirty feet intervals or less.
   (e)   Water valve and gas valve boxes in a sidewalk area shall be adjusted to proper grade.
   (f)   The thickness of small area repairs shall equal the existing sidewalk, four inches for sidewalks and six inches at driveways. Uneven joints may be repaired by adjusting the elevations of adjacent sidewalk sections to uniform grade. Where fill is required, materials shall be cinders, sand or screening. Depth of contraction joints shall be one-quarter inch of thickness. Sawing is permitted. Longitudinal construction joints shall be placed when length exceeds six feet, pre-molded expansion joints: zero inches to twenty feet, none; twenty feet to forty feet, one; over fifty foot expansion joints every fifty feet.
   (g)   When any existing five foot sidewalk is repaired or replaced, the sidewalk shall be repaired or replaced to five feet.
(Ord. 921. Passed 3-21-00; Ord. 925. Passed 6-6-00.)