The following guidelines shall govern Village employees:
   (a)   The work week for full time employees is a regularly recurring period of 168 hours in the form of seven consecutive twenty-four hour periods. A work week shall be Saturday through Friday.
   (b)   The pay period for all Village employees consists of two consecutive work weeks.
   (c)   Extra pay at a rate of one and one-half times the employee's regular hourly base rate will be granted for time beyond the normal forty hours worked. All employees "comp" time is one and one-half time the hourly rate of pay. "Hours worked" includes all time that an employee is required to be on duty, or on the employer's premises, or at a prescribed work place for the employer, and all time during which the employee is suffered or permitted to work for the employer. Excluded from hours worked are sick leave, holidays, vacations and personal leave. An employee will not be entitled to extra pay/comp time unless authorized in advance by the employee's supervisor. For the Chief of Police, Village Administrator and fiscal officer, the supervisor is the Mayor.
   (d)   Periods during which a Village employee is completely relieved from duty and may leave the job, and which are long enough to enable the employee to use the time effectively for his or her own purposes, are not hours worked.
   (e)   When an employee is called out on a job assignment, employee will be paid a minimum of two hours pay.
   (f)   In order to comply with FLSA requirements, the Village will use a form of time-management when feasible. With such a plan, the Village may lay off an employee for a sufficient number of hours during some other week of the pay period so that the desired wage for the pay period covers the total amount of compensation, including the overtime compensation, due the employee for each work week taken separately. Use of a time-management plan by the Village does not permit the average of work hours between work weeks.
         For the Chief of Police, Village Administrator and fiscal officer only, it may be impossible to require the employee to be laid off during the same pay period. Thus those employees may accumulate "comp time" which must be used by being laid off within ninety days of the end of the pay period in which the "comp time" is earned. The employee may accumulate "comp time" to maximum of eighty hours. The employee must give reasonable advance notice to the Village specifying when "comp time" will be taken. The head of department and/or the Mayor reserves the right to deny or limit the use of "comp time" if its use will create an undue hardship to Village operations. If the full-time nonexempt employee has not utilized "comp time" within two pay periods, the unused "comp time" shall be paid to the employee as provided for in subsection (c) hereof. For the Chief of Police, Village Administrator and Fiscal Officer, any unused "comp time" shall be forfeited if not used within ninety days of accumulation.
   (g)   In order to use the time-management plan, all Village employees, excluding exempt employees, will have their salary converted to an hourly wage. (The total salary of an employee divided by 2,080 hours will yield the employee's hourly rate.)
   (h)   Certain records must be kept in accordance with the FLSA. Employers are required to keep records on wages, hours and other items listed in the recordkeeping regulations (29 C.F.R., Part 156). Records of the required information must be preserved for three years. Some supplementary items, such as time cards, piecework tickets and order and shipping records, need be kept for only two years. Some of the specific recordkeeping items required by Part 156 are the following:
      (1)   The name of the employee in full;
      (2)   His or her home address, including the zip code;
      (3)   His or her date of birth, if he or she is under nineteen;
      (4)   His or her sex and occupation;
      (5)   The time of day and the day of the week on which the employee's work week begins;
      (6)   The regular hourly rate of pay in any work week in which an overtime premium is due, and the basis of the wage payment (such as "$5.00/hr.," "$40.00/day," "$200.00/wk. plus five percent commission").
      (7)   The daily and weekly hours of work;
      (8)   The total daily or weekly straight-time earnings;
      (9)   The total overtime compensation for the work week;
      (10)   The total additions to or deductions from wages paid;
      (11)   The total wages paid each pay period; and
      (12)   The date of payment and the pay period covered by such payment.
   (i)   The Village will display the minimum wage poster, WH Publication 1088, where Village employees may readily see it.
(Ord. 2022-10. Passed 9-20-22.)