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   (A)   Plumbing system.
      (1)   All plumbing to be installed shall be installed in accordance with the State Plumbing Code.
      (2)   All plumbing shall be connected to the city sanitary sewer system where available or to another approved system.
      (3)   All fixtures shall be operable.
      (4)   There shall be no broken water closet bowls.
      (5)   Water closets shall not be loose or leaking. Water closet flush mechanisms shall be maintained in operating condition.
      (6)   No leaks shall be in a shower stall floor and/or wall.
      (7)   There shall be facilities for furnishing adequate hot water to each tub or shower, lavatory, and kitchen sink. All water heaters shall be in good condition, operate as intended, and comply with the current State Building Code at the time of construction.
      (8)   There shall be installed a potable water supply inside the building or structure for each unit.
      (9)   There shall be installed a water closet, tub or shower, lavatory and sink for each habitable unit. Kitchen and bathroom faucets shall be sealed.
      (10)   There shall be separate toilet facilities for each habitable unit.
      (11)   Toilet and bathing facilities shall be protected from the weather.
      (12)   Soil and water pipes shall be supported with no broken or leaking pipes.
      (13)   Every water closest compartment floor surface and bathroom floor surface shall be so constructed and maintained as to be reasonably impervious to water and so as to permit such floor to be readily kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
   (B)   Heating system.
      (1)   Every dwelling shall be weatherproof and capable of being adequately heated, and the heating equipment in every dwelling shall be maintained in good order and repair.
      (2)   Every dwelling shall have facilities for providing heat in accordance with either of the following:
         (a)   Central and electric heating systems. Every central or electric heating system shall be of sufficient capacity so as to heat all habitable rooms, bathrooms and water closet compartments in every place of habitation to which it is connected to a minimum temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit measured at a point three feet above the floor with an outside temperature of 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
         (b)   Other heating facilities. Where a central or electric heating system is not provided, or is inadequate, each dwelling shall be provided with sufficient chimneys flues, or gas vents, with heating appliances connected, so as to heat all habitable rooms to a minimum temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit measured at a point three feet above the floor with an outside temperature of 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
      (3)   All electric, gas and oil heating equipment installed on the premises shall be listed and labeled by an approved listing agency and installed in accordance with the provisions of the State Mechanical Code.
      (4)   There shall be no loose bricks in chimneys.
      (5)   There shall be no holes in flues.
      (6)   There shall be no hanging masonry chimneys.
      (7)   No combustible materials shall be within seven inches of the top and seven inches of either side of the fireplace opening.
      (8)   Fireplaces shall be closed with masonry when the chimney is used as a flue for a stove.
      (9)   Fireplaces, freestanding kerosene heaters, freestanding electric space heaters, and vent free gas appliances may be used for supplementary heating only and not for basic heat.
      (10)   When air conditions or cooling facilities are provided, such facilities and components shall be properly installed, safely operable, and maintained to perform as originally intended.
   (C)   Electrical system.
      (1)   In dwellings, no receptacles, ceiling fixtures, or other fixtures shall be hanging loose.
      (2)   All switches and receptacles shall be safely operable.
      (3)   Every habitable unit shall contain not less than two wall-type electrical convenience receptacles.
      (4)   There shall be installed in every habitable unit, bathroom, laundry room, hallway, stairway and furnace room at least one supplied ceiling or wall-type electrical light fixture; provided, further, that the ceiling light fixture may be omitted in the living room and bedrooms, provided three electrical convenience receptacles are installed, one of which is controlled from a wall switch.
      (5)   There shall be no unsafe wiring.
      (6)   Each habitable unit shall have electric service from a separately metered delivery system provided by a licensed utility company. No drop cords, extension cords or similar wiring mechanism may be utilized in any fashion other than in conformance with the purposes in which it was designed.
      (7)   No circuits shall be overloaded.
      (8)   Fuses shall be sized correctly and not bridged out.
      (9)   All new wiring to be installed shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code.
(Ord. No. 23-082, § 1, passed 12-14-2023)