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   (A)   This chapter is established pursuant to grants of statutory authority provided in the North Carolina General Statutes (G.S.) including, but not limited to, the following, identified in pertinent part:
      (1)   G.S. 14-4, which identifies the criminal penalty for a violation of a city ordinance made a misdemeanor under G.S. 160A-175.
      (2)   G.S. Chapter 67.
      (3)   G.S. 106-645, which authorizes, but limits the city, to adopt ordinances regulating bee hives.
      (4)   G.S. 130A-192, which authorizes animal control officers to determine if there are any dogs and cats not wearing valid rabies vaccination tags.
      (5)   G.S. 160A-174, which authorizes the city to define, prohibit, regulate, or abate acts, omissions, or conditions, detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of its citizens and the peace and dignity of the city.
      (6)   G.S. 160A-175, which authorizes the city to have the power to impose fines and penalties for violations of its ordinances and to secure injunctions and abatement orders to further insure compliance with its ordinances; defines the process by which the city may make a violation of a city ordinance a misdemeanor or infraction as provided in G.S. 14-4; identifies ordinances that may not be charged as a misdemeanor or infraction; and authorizes the city to impose a civil penalty for a violation of an ordinance.
      (7)   G.S. 160A-182, which authorizes the city to define and prohibit the abuse of animals.
      (8)   G.S. 160A-186, which authorizes the city to regulate, restrict, or prohibit keeping, running, or going at large of any domestic animals and authorizes that animals at large in violation of the ordinance may be seized and sold or destroyed after reasonable efforts to notify their owner.
      (9)   G.S. 160A-187, which authorizes the city to regulate, restrict, or prohibit the possession or harboring within the city of animals which are dangerous to persons or property.
      (10)   G.S. 160A-493, which authorizes the city to establish, equip, operate, and maintain animal shelters.
   (B)   There is hereby created within the Police Department of the city the Division, composed of the APS Supervisor to serve as head of the Division and such other employees as the City Council shall deem necessary.
   (C)   The provisions of this chapter and the enforcement thereof apply to all animals within the corporate limits of the city.
(Ord. No. 22-044, § 1, passed 5-23-2022)