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   All provisions of this chapter and the General Statutes are hereby made applicable to the construction, use, alteration, moving and demolition by the state, its political subdivisions, agencies and instrumentalities, provided however, they shall not apply to the interior of buildings or structures owned by the state. The current edition of the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for rehabilitation and guidelines for rehabilitating historic buildings shall be the sole guidelines used in reviewing applications of the state for certificate of appropriateness. The State and its agencies may appeal to the North Carolina Historical Commission or any successor agency assuming its responsibilities under G.S. 121-12(a) from any decision of the Historic Preservation Commission. The current edition of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings shall be the sole principles and guidelines used in reviewing applications of the State for certificates of appropriateness. The decision of the North Carolina Historical Commission is final and binding upon both the State and the historic preservation commission.
(1971 Code, § 9-10-23) (Ord. No. 1925, § 1, passed 12-8-1988; Ord. No. 2186, § 13, passed 5-10-1990 ; Ord. No. 21-032, § 1, passed 6-21-2021)