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   (A)   Until January 31, 1997, the Commission shall consist of 11 members. Thereafter the Commission shall consist of ten members. All members shall reside within the planning and zoning jurisdiction of the city. In addition, a majority of the members of the Preservation Commission shall have demonstrated special interest, experience or education in history, architecture, archaeology or related fields.
   (B)   Commission members duly appointed and currently serving on the Commission as of the effective date of this chapter may continue to serve for the remainder of that member’s current term, and the eligibility of any member for reappointment to a subsequent term shall not be affected. Commission members shall serve overlapping terms of three years, with appointment of replacements or reappointment as provided in subsection (C), below.
   (C)   (1)   The terms of office shall be configured as follows:
         (a)   Three members shall be appointed or reappointed for three-year terms in January 1997.
         (b)   Three members shall be appointed or reappointed for three-year terms in January 1998.
         (c)   Four members shall be appointed or reappointed for three-year terms in January 1999.
      (2)   The appointments or reappointments for expiring terms shall occur every year thereafter for the terms expiring in that year.
   (D)   For purposes of taking action on any matter that the Commission is required by law or ordinance to act on, a quorum of the Commission shall consist of five members.
   (E)   The members of the Historic Preservation Commission shall be appointed by and will serve at the pleasure of the City Council.
   (F)   The Historic Preservation Commission shall select from among its members a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson who shall be elected annually by the members.
   (G)   Upon its first formal meeting, and prior to performing any duties under this chapter or under the authority of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Historic Preservation Commission shall adopt rules of procedure governing the Commission’s actions which are not governed by this chapter or the General Statutes.
(1971 Code, § 9-10-3) (Ord. No. 1925, § 1, passed 12-8-1988; Ord. No. 2186, § 3, passed 5-10-1990; Ord. No. 96-107, § 1, passed 11-14-1996)