The following public advisory group will be created as a result of this section.
   (A)   Historic Preservation Commission.
      (1)   The primary function of the Commission is to identify buildings, structures, sites and objects which are architecturally or historically significant. The Commission will draft a historic structure preservation plan; develop restoration, remodeling and architectural guidelines; and submit proposals for grants and funding in an effort to protect the town’s historic assets.
      (2)   Objectives of the Historic Preservation Commission:
         (a)   Identify and inventory all historic assets within the town;
         (b)   Submit a detailed plan of preservation to the Town Council;
         (c)   Obtain recognition for The Station building as a National Register of Historic Places by the National Park Service;
         (d)   Identify funding sources for future preservation projects;
         (e)   Apply and submit proposals for federal, state and local grant money to complete historic preservation projects;
         (f)   Educate residents on the availability and application process of federal and state grant monies for the completion of historical restoration projects; and
         (g)   Promote the use of historic landmarks to attract visitors.
   (B)   Governance.
      (1)   Application. Governance shall apply to all public advisory groups.
      (2)   Appointment. Appointment to a public advisory group:
         (a)   A Council member of the Town Council must nominate a resident for consideration;
         (b)   To be considered a resident for appointment, a person must reside or be employed within the county;
         (c)   Once a nomination is received for a qualified candidate or candidates, the Town Council shall vote requiring a majority to ratify the nomination; and
         (d)   Members of the public advisory groups serve in a volunteer capacity and do not receive compensation from the town.
      (3)   Term.
         (a)   Each of the public advisory groups may consist of up to six elected residents.
         (b)   Each elected resident will serve out a two-year term with the decision to renew at the end of the term being left up to the Town Council.
      (4)   Ad hoc members.
         (a)   Each public advisory group can consist of one Town Council member;
         (b)   Each public advisory group may consist of the Town Marshal; or
         (c)   Each public advisory group can appoint outside professionals with knowledge in various aspects of the public advisory groups responsibilities. Examples would be state elected officials, non-profit group leaders and/or organizations which are funding certain project elements.
      (5)   Conflicts of interest.
         (a)   A member shall not cast a vote on any issue before the Preservation Commission which involves the interests of that member or an organization in which that member has an ownership interest or position of control or directly represents. Neither shall a member cast a vote on any matter which could provide direct financial benefit to that member.
         (b)   Whenever a conflict of interest situation arises in the conduct of business the following actions shall be taken:
            1.   The individual member shall divulge the existence and reasons for the potential conflict;
            2.   The public advisory group shall decide if such a conflict exists;
            3.   If it is decided that a conflict exists, the affected member shall refrain from presenting, voting on or discussing the project, other than answering a direct question; and
            4.   Should the Preservation Commission determine that a conflict of interest does not exist, the nature of the alleged conflict and the reason(s) for determining a conflict did not exist shall be entered into the minutes.
      (6)   Meetings. Public advisory groups will meet at least quarterly.
(Ord. 2016-TR-028, passed 9-12-2016; Ord. 2017-TR-003, passed 2-13-2017)