(A)   Business. Each tattoo/body piercing facility operation shall obtain a permit from the County Health Department. The permit shall provide the name and address of the owner of the business and the name and address of each tattoo artist and body piercer employed at each location. The cost for this permit shall be $300 and shall not be transferable. The permit expires on December 31 of each year. Should an establishment fail to obtain the permit prior to the opening of a tattoo and/or body piercing facility or should any permittee fail to renew his or her permit on or before the expiration date of December 31, then said fee shall be annual plus 50% of the annual fee set forth above for the tattoo and/or body piercing facility. Any holder of a permit shall be subject to inspection as set forth herein. The County Health Department shall provide the appropriate forms for this permit. Said permit shall be posted at the facility in the area where the tattoo or body piercing services are performed and shall be clearly visible to the public. Said permit will only license the permanent establishment whose address appears on the permit. Businesses wanting to conduct a tattoo event off-site must obtain a temporary event permit.
   (B)   Temporary facility. Each temporary tattoo/body piercing facility operation shall obtain a permit from the County Health Department. The permit shall provide the name and address of the owner of the business and the name and address of each tattoo artist and body piercer operating at each location. The cost of this permit shall be $180 and shall not be transferable. The permit expires on December 31 of each year. Should an establishment fail to obtain the permit prior to the opening of a mobile tattoo and/or body piercing facility or should any licensee fail to renew his or her license on or before the expiration date of December 31, then said fee shall be annual plus 50% of the annual fee set forth above for the tattoo and/or body piercing facility. Any holder of a permit shall be subject to inspection as set forth herein. The County Health Department shall provide the appropriate forms for this permit. Said permit shall be posted at the mobile facility in the area where the tattoo or body piercing services are performed and shall be clearly visible to the public. In addition, the date, time and location of the event where the mobile facility will be used shall be submitted at least business days prior to the start time of the event to the County Health Department.
   (C)   Tattoo artist or body piercer. Every person that desires to perform any tattoo or body piercing shall obtain a tattoo artist license, body piercer license or a tattoo artist-body piercer license from the County Health Department. Each applicant must be at least 18 years of age. This license must be obtained before any tattoos are affixed or body piercing done to any person and after the requisite training. The applicant must satisfy the minimum requirements as set forth herein in § 112.07. The cost of said license shall be $50 and shall not be transferable. The license expires on December 31 of each year. Should a tattoo artist or body piercer fail to obtain the license prior to performing any tattoo or body piercing or should any licensee fail to renew his or her license on or before the expiration date of December 31, then said fee shall be annual plus 50% of the annual fee set forth above for the tattoo artist or body piercer. Any holder of a license shall be subject to inspection as set forth herein. The County Health Department shall provide the appropriate forms for this license. Said licenses shall be posted at the facility in the place where the tattoos or body piercing are performed and shall be clearly visible to the public
   (D)   Owner/operator. In the event that a tattoo/body piercing facility is a sole proprietorship and the owner shall also perform tattooing or body piercing for their business, the owner shall only be required to obtain a business permit as described in this section.
   (E)   Guest tattoo artist or body piercer. Every person that desires to perform any tattoo or body piercing services within the county on a temporary basis shall obtain a guest tattoo artist license, guest body piercer license or a guest tattoo artist-body piercer license from the County Health Department. This license must be obtained before any tattoos are affixed or body piercing is done to any person and after the required training. The applicant must satisfy the minimum requirements as set forth herein in § 112.07. The cost of said license shall be $25 for a 30-day license and shall not be transferable. The permit shall expire 30 days after the date of issuance. Any holder of a permit shall be subject to inspection as set forth herein. The County Health Department shall provide the appropriate forms for this permit. Said permits shall be posted at the facility in the area where the tattoo or body piercing services are performed and shall be clearly visible to the public.
   (F)   Pro-rating of fees. In the event that a business, mobile facility, tattoo artist and/or body piercer shall apply for a permit any time prior to July 1 of any year, they shall be responsible for the total annual fee as described in this chapter. In the event that a business, mobile facility, tattoo artist and/or body piercer shall apply for a permit any time after or on July 1 of any year, they shall be required to pay one- half of the annual fee, All permits, however, shall expire on December 31 of the year in which they were issued.
   (G)   Temporary events. Temporary studios at locations such as fairs, festivals or flea markets, shall comply with all requirements for a certified studio in accordance with §§ 112.01 through 112.17 in their entirety. The event organizer or studio owner for the event shall be responsible for ensuring that the event is run in a manner that is safe for the body piercer, tattoo artist and general public. The event organizer or studio owner shall provide a list of all participating artist/piercer at the event and with the County Health Department.
      (1)   This information shall include the following information for each participating artist/piercer:
         (a)   Name;
         (b)   Date of birth;
         (c)   Home address;
         (d)   Business name;
         (e)   Business address;
         (f)   Home and work telephone numbers;
         (g)   Email address (if available);
         (h)   Description of procedures to be performed at the event; and
         (i)   Copy of current artist/piercer registration.
      (2)   The event coordinator or studio owner shall provide a layout of the event floor to the County Health Department before being granted a permit.
      (3)   Each participant who performs shall bring enough presterilized instruments and supplies to last the whole event.
      (4)   The event coordinator or studio owner shall provide a separate cleaning and sterilization room as a back up for use by participants who have used all the presterilized instruments and were brought to the event. If used, the cleaning and sterilization room shall be disinfected at the close of the event. Presterilized instruments and equipment shall not be reused.
      (5)   The event coordinator or studio owner shall provide an approved autoclave that has a negative spore test within 30 days prior to the event.
      (6)   The event coordinator or studio owner shall provide for pick up and disposal of contaminated waste in accordance with this chapter and administrative rules.
      (7)   Each artist/piercer at the temporary event must either have an annual or guest license. In addition to the license, each tattoo/body piercing facility or workstation at the temporary event shall obtain a permit from the County Health Department. The permit shall provide the name and address of the owner of the business and the name and address of each tattoo artist and body piercer employed at the event. The cost for the temporary event permit shall be $20 per day, not to exceed $100 for a maximum of 14 consecutive days. All fees shall be paid prior to the event.
      (8)   Temporary workstations shall meet the following minimum conditions:
         (a)   Be at least ten feet by ten feet and be constructed in a manner to separate the artist/piercer from the public in such a way as to protect the procedure area from contamination, and prevent accidental exposure of the potentially-infectious material created during such procedures;
         (b)   Have a floor and sides that are smooth, nonporous and easy to clean;
         (c)   Have at least 100 foot-candles of light available at the level where the tattoo or body piercing is conducted;
         (d)   Be equipped with a hand-washing facility. A hand-wash facility at the minimum shall consist of liquid antibacterial or antimicrobial soap, single use paper towels and an insulated five-gallon container with a level-type spigot. Filled with warm potable water 101 to 120°F, and a bucket to catch the wastewater. The water container shall be placed at least 30 inches off the floor to allow for easy use, and shall be filled regularly to ensue an adequate supply of warm water for hand-washing;
         (e)   Waste water shall be disposed of into a public sewage system, if available. If a public sewage system is not available, disposal shall be made into a private system designed, constructed and operated pursuant to the requirements of Rule 410 I.A.C. 6-8.1; and
         (f)   Shall be supplied with an adequate supply of paper or plastic barrier film to protect equipment and any other item that must be protected to prevent cross-contamination.
(Ord. 2010-T-018, passed 4-10-2010) Penalty, see § 112.99