(A)   The acceptance process is as follows:
      (1)   Vacated or privately-owned roads are inspected by town’s contracted engineer and designee of owner. Other parties may be included for the inspection process including, but not limited to, Town Board members, town or owner’s designees, developer.
      (2)   The town’s contracted engineer creates a punch list to be completed by the owner/developer at his or her cost.
      (3)   The town’s contracted engineer re-inspects said vacated or privately-owned roads to ensure items listed on punch list are completed. This inspection may include other parties may be included for the inspection process including, but not limited to, Town Board members, the town or owner’s designees, developer.
      (4)   If deficiencies still exist, the town’s contracted engineer will document these deficiencies in his or her report.
      (5)   If no deficiencies exist, the town’s contracted engineer will provide a signature on the initial inspection which indicates all concerns have been adequately addressed or provide a signed letter stating the acceptance. This signed signature document will be given to a town’s representative if present for the inspection or delivered to the Town Hall via in person, mail, email or fax.
      (6)   The Town Board will vote on accepting the vacated or privately-owned roads at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Upon acceptance, a copy of this regulation will be attached to the signed inspection and filed for reference according to road and/or development name.
   (B)   (1)   After completion of all improvements and installations to the roads in a good workmanlike manner and approval of same by the town’s contracted engineer and confirmation of compliance with all state and local laws, the town shall accept all roads as public roads.
      (2)   Unless there is a separate construction entrance to any construction site within a planned subdivision where the roads have been accepted by the town, a subdivider, person, corporation, association, partnership or other entity who develops land in section of phases such that the development of one section requires construction traffic, truck traffic and/or heavy equipment to cross over existing public roads, shall repair any damages caused by construction traffic over the existing public roads. The town may withhold further approval of roads and permits until such time as the repairs have been made and approved by the town’s contracted engineer.
      (3)   In no case shall any roads be accepted into the town’s inventory until such time when the town’s contracted engineer has recommended acceptance of same and the Town Council has accepted same at a public meeting.
   (C)   The above acceptance process will be followed.
(Ord. 2019-TO-002, passed 2-11-2019; Ord. 2019-TO-003, passed 2-11-2019) Penalty, see § 10.99