(A)   Employees’ relatives will not be employed by the city (existing employees excluded) under any of the following circumstances:
      (1)   Where both parties would report to the same immediate supervisor;
      (2)   Where one party would be in a direct reporting relationship to the other;
      (3)   Where other circumstances might lead to potential conflict among the parties or conflict between the interest of one or both parties and the best interests of the city; or
      (4)   Where one of the parties is a City Council member.
   (B)   Relatives, for purposes of this policy, include an employee’s parent, child, spouse, brother, sister, in-laws and step relationships.
   (C)   If two employees marry, become related or begin sharing living quarters with one another and, in the city’s judgment, the potential problems noted above exist or reasonably could exist, only one of the employees will be permitted to stay with the city, unless reasonable accommodations, as determined by the City Manager, can be made to eliminate the potential problem. The decision as to which relative will remain with the city must be made by the two employees within 30 calendar days of the date they marry, become related or begin sharing living quarters with each other. If no decision has been made during this time, the city reserves the right to terminate either employee.
(Ord. 2619, passed 7-8-2003)