For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DEPARTMENT HEAD. An employee who has responsibility for directing one or more departments.
   IMMEDIATE FAMILY. An employee’s immediate family includes the employee’s spouse, child, parent, brother or sister, mother or father-in-law, son or daughter-in-law.
   PART-TIME EMPLOYEE. An employee who regularly works less than 40 hours a week on a continuing basis. PART-TIME EMPLOYEES are not eligible for city benefits.
   REGULAR FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE. An employee who has completed the introductory period and who regularly works a minimum of 40 hours a week on a continuing basis.
   SALARIED EMPLOYEE. An employee of the city who is paid a fixed amount for his or her service to the city.
   SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT EMPLOYEES. Those employees who hold jobs of limited duration arising out of special projects, abnormal work loads or emergencies. SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT EMPLOYEES are not eligible for city benefits.
(Ord. 2619, passed 7-8-2003)